According to the data released by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the cumulative reserved capacity for PV under the nation’s FIT program has decreased to 69 GW in September from 69.4 GW in August 2014. The number is expected to further go down to 68.9 GW in October.
This reduction reflects the problems related to interconnections with five out of ten electric utilities in Japan.
The pace of PV installation has been slowing down. During the month of September 2014, 0.6 GW was installed while in previous months 0.7 GW of PV capacity was installed.
As of September 2014, 13GW of PV capacity was installed under the FIT program.
Latest solar PV and other renewable energy market developments - policies, new products/services, business models, and market players - in the US and Japan
December 30, 2014
December 23, 2014
Published at Nikkei Electronics --- 赤いスポーツカーが、カリフォルニア州の青い空と青い海を背景に、高速道路をさっそうと走行する場面が映画にたびたび登場する(図1)。カリフォルニア州は、面積が広いにもかかわらず、米国の東海岸や日本のように、公共交通機関が発達していない。必然的に車への依存度が高くなり、5~6車線もある高速道路でも交通渋滞が頻発している。
「車社会」のカリフォルニア州では、CO2排出量の40%が、道路交通部門からのものである。自動車の排気ガスを大幅に削減するために、電気自動車(EV)への期待が高まっている。カリフォルニア州では2025年までに15億台のEVを導入するという、全米で最も高い目標を掲げている。Get Magazine Here See More Here
「車社会」のカリフォルニア州では、CO2排出量の40%が、道路交通部門からのものである。自動車の排気ガスを大幅に削減するために、電気自動車(EV)への期待が高まっている。カリフォルニア州では2025年までに15億台のEVを導入するという、全米で最も高い目標を掲げている。Get Magazine Here See More Here
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日経エレクトロニクス 2014年12月22日号 |
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The Plug-in Electric Vehicle (PEV) Owner Survey by California Air Resources Board (ARB) |
December 17, 2014
Published at Nikkei Technology --- 太陽光発電システムの建設コストの低下に伴い、発電コストも下がってきた。公的な研究機関の米Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratoryが2014年9月に発表したレポートによると、大規模太陽光発電システムからの長期電力購入契約単価が2008年から70%以上も下がり、平均で50米ドル/ MWh、つまり5米セント/kWhになったという。
調査会社の米GTM Research社も、米国における太陽光発電システムからの電力購入契約時の単価が、現時点で4.5~7.5米セント/kWhになっているとする。大規模太陽光発電システムの設置価格は、1.5米ドル/Wを下回るものもあるという。これは、連邦政府の税金控除の前の価格である。
こうした太陽光発電システムからの電力調達コストの低下によって、米国内の電力会社は太陽光発電システムからの電力の購入量を増やしている。再生可能エネルギーの導入を義務付ける「RPS:Renewable Energy Portfolio(再生可能エネルギー・ポートフォリオ基準)」に対応するため、という理由からではない。州によっては、天然ガスを燃料とする火力発電所を建設するよりも安い上に、天然ガスの価格変動に対するリスクを回避できるからである。Read More Here
調査会社の米GTM Research社も、米国における太陽光発電システムからの電力購入契約時の単価が、現時点で4.5~7.5米セント/kWhになっているとする。大規模太陽光発電システムの設置価格は、1.5米ドル/Wを下回るものもあるという。これは、連邦政府の税金控除の前の価格である。
こうした太陽光発電システムからの電力調達コストの低下によって、米国内の電力会社は太陽光発電システムからの電力の購入量を増やしている。再生可能エネルギーの導入を義務付ける「RPS:Renewable Energy Portfolio(再生可能エネルギー・ポートフォリオ基準)」に対応するため、という理由からではない。州によっては、天然ガスを燃料とする火力発電所を建設するよりも安い上に、天然ガスの価格変動に対するリスクを回避できるからである。Read More Here
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Credit: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
December 15, 2014
Data Analysis: Can Japan Exceed 10 Gigawatts of Solar Capacity Installation in 2014?
Published at Renewable Energy World --- Several analysts are predicting that Japan may add over 10 GW of photovoltaic (PV) capacity for 2014, exceeding that of China. Exceeding 10 GW means an annual growth of at least 33 percent more than the previous year. In the mist of the temporary hold of grid connection approvals placed by 5 out of the 10 utilities, can Japan still grow to be the No 1 position in the world?
According to the latest figures released by the Japan Photovoltaic Energy Association (JPEA), Japan installed 2.4 GW of on-grid PV capacity in the third quarter of this year (or second quarter fiscal year in Japan). This represents the second largest quarterly PV installation since the nation’s generous feed-in tariff (FIT) program launched in July 2012.
With the strong third quarter result, for the first nine months of this year, Japan installed about 7 GW of on-grid PV capacity. If Japan adds 3 GW more during this quarter, or an average 1 GW each month, Japan will no doubt hit the 10-GW mark. Read More Here
According to the latest figures released by the Japan Photovoltaic Energy Association (JPEA), Japan installed 2.4 GW of on-grid PV capacity in the third quarter of this year (or second quarter fiscal year in Japan). This represents the second largest quarterly PV installation since the nation’s generous feed-in tariff (FIT) program launched in July 2012.
With the strong third quarter result, for the first nine months of this year, Japan installed about 7 GW of on-grid PV capacity. If Japan adds 3 GW more during this quarter, or an average 1 GW each month, Japan will no doubt hit the 10-GW mark. Read More Here
December 4, 2014
EVだけじゃないTesla Motors社、新電池工場で生産の3割を定置型に
Published at Nikkei Business --- 電気自動車(EV)のスポーツカー「Roadster」でEV業界に旋風を巻き起こした米Tesla Motors社。その蓄電池は、自動車だけでなく、家庭や商業・工業向けでも活躍している。
Tesla Motors社は2014年9月、カリフォルニア州の隣のネバダ州に、「ギガファクトリー(Gigafactory)」と名付けた業界最大のLiイオン2次電池工場の建設を発表した。この電池工場では2020年までに、年間50 GWh相当の蓄電池の生産を開始する予定だ。
Tesla Motors社の広報担当者によると、Gigafactoryで製造する約30%の蓄電池が、自動車以外の家庭用、商業・工業用などの定置型蓄電池として使われるという。需要家側に設置する定置型蓄電池だけでなく、発電や送電といった供給側に設置する大規模貯蔵システムにも対応できるとする。Read More Here
Tesla Motors社は2014年9月、カリフォルニア州の隣のネバダ州に、「ギガファクトリー(Gigafactory)」と名付けた業界最大のLiイオン2次電池工場の建設を発表した。この電池工場では2020年までに、年間50 GWh相当の蓄電池の生産を開始する予定だ。
Tesla Motors社の広報担当者によると、Gigafactoryで製造する約30%の蓄電池が、自動車以外の家庭用、商業・工業用などの定置型蓄電池として使われるという。需要家側に設置する定置型蓄電池だけでなく、発電や送電といった供給側に設置する大規模貯蔵システムにも対応できるとする。Read More Here
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Tesla Roadster |
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Tesla Stationary Energy Storage 400kWh /200kW |
December 1, 2014
Making Emergency Power Available During Disasters — Without Batteries
Published at Renewable Energy World --- “Why can’t I use my solar system to generate electricity during a power outage?” This is a common question among residential solar owners, particularly those in Oregon who have recently experienced blackouts caused by the high winds that spread across Western Oregon. Homeowners often purchase photovoltaic (PV) systems to protect themselves from utility power loss.
This is a very common assumption made by grid-tie PV homeowners: PV systems will continue providing power during a power outage as long as the sun is shining.
However, commonly used grid-tie inverters safely disconnect from the utility grid if the grid goes down and won’t deliver power even though the sun is up and shining. This is, in part, a safety precaution required to protect utility workers repairing the wires and prevent fires.
Independent Operation Function: Power During Outages
In Japan, standard grid-tie inverters disconnect themselves from the grid, but can draw a small amount of power from the PV system even during daytime power outages. Production of emergency energy is enabled by a function of the inverter known as “independent-operation.”
According to a report published by the Japan Electrical Manufacturers' Association (JEMA), during the fiscal year 2013 (April 2013 through March 2014), over 630,000 inverters were sold for the residential PV market in Japan. This number is equivalent to about 3 GW in capacity. Out of 630,000, 99.9 percent of the residential PV inverters sold were equipped with an independent-operation function.
“We started selling PV inverters with the independent-operation function after the Kobe Earthquake,” said Ichiro Ikeda, marketing manager at Kyocera. The Kobe Earthquake knocked out power to over 2.5 million homes and businesses in the southern part of Hyogo Prefecture in January 1995 and it took about 150 hours before all the power lines were fully restored and recovered.
“[The earthquake] was a trigger to develop and market inverters with the independent-operation function,” continued Ikeda....Read More Here
This is a very common assumption made by grid-tie PV homeowners: PV systems will continue providing power during a power outage as long as the sun is shining.
However, commonly used grid-tie inverters safely disconnect from the utility grid if the grid goes down and won’t deliver power even though the sun is up and shining. This is, in part, a safety precaution required to protect utility workers repairing the wires and prevent fires.
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SMA Inverters with Independent Operation Function |
Independent Operation Function: Power During Outages
In Japan, standard grid-tie inverters disconnect themselves from the grid, but can draw a small amount of power from the PV system even during daytime power outages. Production of emergency energy is enabled by a function of the inverter known as “independent-operation.”
According to a report published by the Japan Electrical Manufacturers' Association (JEMA), during the fiscal year 2013 (April 2013 through March 2014), over 630,000 inverters were sold for the residential PV market in Japan. This number is equivalent to about 3 GW in capacity. Out of 630,000, 99.9 percent of the residential PV inverters sold were equipped with an independent-operation function.
“We started selling PV inverters with the independent-operation function after the Kobe Earthquake,” said Ichiro Ikeda, marketing manager at Kyocera. The Kobe Earthquake knocked out power to over 2.5 million homes and businesses in the southern part of Hyogo Prefecture in January 1995 and it took about 150 hours before all the power lines were fully restored and recovered.
“[The earthquake] was a trigger to develop and market inverters with the independent-operation function,” continued Ikeda....Read More Here
November 10, 2014
From Module Cleaning Robots to Flying Drones: Japan’s Growing Solar O&M Marke
Published at Renewable Energy World --- Japan has installed almost 11 GW of photovoltaic (PV) capacity in just two years after the introduction of the feed-in tariff (FIT) program. This amount is equivalent to twice as much as the cumulative capacity installed over the two decades before the FIT. Besides over 16.5 GW of installed PV capacity, Japan has close to 70 GW of reserved PV capacity under the FIT as of July 2014.
Although the non-residential segment represents 57 percent of the existing installed capacity, it represents 96 percent of the reserved capacity. The fast-growing non-residential PV capacity makes Japan one of the hot markets for PV Operations and Maintenance (O&M) services.
Fuji Keizai Co., a research and consulting company, forecasted that the 2013 non-residential PV O&M market in Japan will almost quadruple by 2020. The research firm specifically projected that the maintenance market will grow from ¥1.5 billion in 2013 to ¥8.2 billion in 2020 and the operations market will grow from ¥16.3 billion to ¥60.4 billion.
To meet the growing O&M demand cost effectively and efficiently, Japan is turning to high-tech gadgets. See More Here
Although the non-residential segment represents 57 percent of the existing installed capacity, it represents 96 percent of the reserved capacity. The fast-growing non-residential PV capacity makes Japan one of the hot markets for PV Operations and Maintenance (O&M) services.
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Fuji Keizai Co., a research and consulting company, forecasted that the 2013 non-residential PV O&M market in Japan will almost quadruple by 2020. The research firm specifically projected that the maintenance market will grow from ¥1.5 billion in 2013 to ¥8.2 billion in 2020 and the operations market will grow from ¥16.3 billion to ¥60.4 billion.
To meet the growing O&M demand cost effectively and efficiently, Japan is turning to high-tech gadgets. See More Here
October 28, 2014
太陽電池モジュールと資金が不足する「2016年問題」、北米最大の展示会「SPI 2014」で議論
Published at Nikkei Technology --- 太陽光発電関連の北米最大の展示会「Solar Power International(SPI) 2014」(2014年10月20~23日)が、米国ネバダ州ラスベガスで開催された。ネバダ州はカジノだけではなく、世界最大規模の太陽熱と太陽光の発電所があり、さらに電気自動車(EV)メーカーの米Tesla Motors社がLiイオン2次電池の工場「ギガ」の建設地に選んだ。
1万8600m2の展示会場には、世界25カ国から、計1600社が出展した。SPIは今年で11年目になり、年々規模が小さくなっている。しかしこれは、米国の太陽光発電市場が縮小しているのではなく、成熟期に入ったことを意味する。米国の太陽電池メーカーでEPC事業者(EPCは、engineering(設計)、procurement(調達)、construction(建設)の意味)でもある米Sun Power社や米First Solar社さえも、ここ数年ブースは構えていない。
2000年代のSPIは、太陽電池メーカーやパワーコンディショナメーカーなど、ハードウエア系の最新技術や製品のお披露目の場であった。ここ数年は、施工を簡素化する架台や、システムの監視システム、顧客獲得を効率化するクラウドサービス、そして系統電力量の制御に貢献する蓄電池とそのソフトウエアなどが、展示の中心になっている。。。。See More Here
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SPI 2014 in Las Vegas - General Session |
1万8600m2の展示会場には、世界25カ国から、計1600社が出展した。SPIは今年で11年目になり、年々規模が小さくなっている。しかしこれは、米国の太陽光発電市場が縮小しているのではなく、成熟期に入ったことを意味する。米国の太陽電池メーカーでEPC事業者(EPCは、engineering(設計)、procurement(調達)、construction(建設)の意味)でもある米Sun Power社や米First Solar社さえも、ここ数年ブースは構えていない。
2000年代のSPIは、太陽電池メーカーやパワーコンディショナメーカーなど、ハードウエア系の最新技術や製品のお披露目の場であった。ここ数年は、施工を簡素化する架台や、システムの監視システム、顧客獲得を効率化するクラウドサービス、そして系統電力量の制御に貢献する蓄電池とそのソフトウエアなどが、展示の中心になっている。。。。See More Here
October 16, 2014
Japan Installed over 10 GW of PV in Two Years
Since the inception of the rich Feed-in tariff (FIT) program two years ago, Japan installed more than 10 GW of PV capacity. What is more, Japan has 69 GW worth of reserved PV capacity under the program, which can expand the PV market in the natural-resource-poor country.
October 15, 2014
Published at Nikkei Technology --- 米国の太陽光発電産業でメジャーな存在である米First Solar社と米SolarCity社が、相次いで無人航空機(UAV:unmanned aerial vehicle)の活用に乗り出した。UAVと関連ソフトウエアは、シード期に米Google社などから出資を受けて2013年に設立された、スタートアップ企業の米Skycatch社(カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコ)が開発したものである。
Skycatch社は、高精度な画像を空撮できる小型UAVと、収集した画像を処理・分析するソフトウエアをパッケージにしたターンキーサービスを提供している。建築や鉱山、農業、太陽光発電などの業界に携わる大手企業が主な顧客である。See More Here
October 1, 2014
Published at Nikkei Business --- 日本では電力自由化に向けて、スマートメーターの設置が本格化していると聞く。ところが米国では、至る所でスマートメーターの導入に「待った」がかかっている。サービス向上とコスト削減に貢献すると言われるスマートメーター。なぜ導入を拒否する事例が後を絶たないのか。
ワシントンDCに拠点を置くIEE (Innovation Electricity Efficiency)研究所が、2013年8月に発表したレポートによると、2013年7月時点で4600万台以上のスマートメーターが、全米に設置済みという。これは全米の電力契約数の約32%に当たる。
米国連邦政府は「米国再生・再投資法(America Recovery and Reinvestment Act)」に基づき、「スマートグリッド投資補助金(Smart Grid Investment Grant:SGIG)」を創設して、スマートメーターに対する開発支援を積極的に行っている。Read More Here
ワシントンDCに拠点を置くIEE (Innovation Electricity Efficiency)研究所が、2013年8月に発表したレポートによると、2013年7月時点で4600万台以上のスマートメーターが、全米に設置済みという。これは全米の電力契約数の約32%に当たる。
米国連邦政府は「米国再生・再投資法(America Recovery and Reinvestment Act)」に基づき、「スマートグリッド投資補助金(Smart Grid Investment Grant:SGIG)」を創設して、スマートメーターに対する開発支援を積極的に行っている。Read More Here
September 19, 2014
独立系発電会社NRG Energy社の戦略、大規模から分散型、携帯型まで幅広くカバー
Published at Nikkei Business --- 米国で第3位の再生可能エネルギー発電事業者である米NRG Energy社は、世界最大規模の太陽熱発電所と太陽光発電所の両方を所有している。その一方で2014年8月には、携帯型太陽電池を開発する企業を買収して周囲を驚かせた。
NRG Energy社は買収を繰り返し、現在では再生可能エネルギー発電所の運営から住宅用・非住宅用太陽光発電システムの設置・リースサービス、電力小売り販売事業(グリーン電力小売りも含む)、電気自動車(EV)用充電スタンドの運営、そしてポータブルソーラー充電器販売と、電力発電市場の川下を全てカバーしている。今回は、このNRG Energy社について紹介する。Read More Here
September 15, 2014
A Marriage Between Solar and Forest: Japan Promotes Wooden PV Racking Systems
Published at Renewable Energy World --- In the midst of the rapid growth in its solar photovoltaic (PV) market, Japan is looking into its local resources — forests — to provide racking for PV systems. Several firms in Japan are turning domestic cypress or cedar trees into PV racks, which are traditionally made of metal such as aluminum and steel. A 150-kW PV system owner in Mie prefecture stated that it came naturally to choose wood as racking for environmentally friendly solar energy. The company used cedar wood, which was harvested locally.
The strategy behind the marriage between solar and forest works perfectly for Japan. Both resources are abundant locally, and this means that it helps to stimulate local economies and reduce imports.
Japan is poor in natural resources and relies heavily on fossil fuel imports, thus solar is a prime choice to help support its energy independence. The story is slightly different, however, for wood. Japan is blessed with vast forests, but the domestic market is currently saturated with low-cost, imported timber, reducing the nation’s self-sufficiency for lumber from 98 percent in 1950 to 26 percent in 2011, according to the Japan Forestry Agency... See More Here
The strategy behind the marriage between solar and forest works perfectly for Japan. Both resources are abundant locally, and this means that it helps to stimulate local economies and reduce imports.
Japan is poor in natural resources and relies heavily on fossil fuel imports, thus solar is a prime choice to help support its energy independence. The story is slightly different, however, for wood. Japan is blessed with vast forests, but the domestic market is currently saturated with low-cost, imported timber, reducing the nation’s self-sufficiency for lumber from 98 percent in 1950 to 26 percent in 2011, according to the Japan Forestry Agency... See More Here
September 7, 2014
Published at Nikkei Business --- 日本では、2016年をめどに電力小売りが全面自由化されることが決まった。既存の電力会社が独占してきた家庭向け市場を狙って、多様な業種が新規参入しようとしている。消費者が価格やサービスを比較して、自分に合った電力会社や料金プランを選択することができるようになる。
米国エネルギー省のエネルギー情報課(US Energy Information Administration)によると、テキサス州の家庭用電気料金の平均単価は11.46米セント/kWhで、米国平均の12.12米セント/kWhを下回っている。ちなみに最も電気料金が高額なのは、ハワイ州の37.82米セント/kWhで、米国平均の3倍になる。Read More Here
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10 kW system installed by Green Mountain Energy for SolarSPARC subscribers |
米国エネルギー省のエネルギー情報課(US Energy Information Administration)によると、テキサス州の家庭用電気料金の平均単価は11.46米セント/kWhで、米国平均の12.12米セント/kWhを下回っている。ちなみに最も電気料金が高額なのは、ハワイ州の37.82米セント/kWhで、米国平均の3倍になる。Read More Here
September 3, 2014
Japanese PV Market Got the Biggest Drop in Second Quarter
According to the latest number released by Japan Photovoltaic Energy Association (JPEA), the Japanese PV market in the first quarter of this year went down by 32 percent from the previous quarter. This is perhaps the biggest dip in the history in Japan PV market.
The market size during the quarter between April and June 2014 was 1.88 gigawatt (GW).
Many industry participants speculate that the market decline was due to the sales tax increase (effective of April 2014) and there was the great number of rush installations to avoid the sales tax increase during the quarter between January and March 2014.
In terms of end-user applications, the residential segment declined by 26% from the previous quarter and the non-residential segment went down by 34%
The market size during the quarter between April and June 2014 was 1.88 gigawatt (GW).
Many industry participants speculate that the market decline was due to the sales tax increase (effective of April 2014) and there was the great number of rush installations to avoid the sales tax increase during the quarter between January and March 2014.
In terms of end-user applications, the residential segment declined by 26% from the previous quarter and the non-residential segment went down by 34%
August 20, 2014
Open Season: Japanese Government Seeks to Deregulate Utility Market, Boost Renewables
Published at Renewable Energy World --- San Diego, Calif. — While most U.S. customers are only able to get green electricity by either purchasing and installing their own system or acquiring a lease or power purchase agreement through a third-party company like SolarCity, Japanese customers will soon have another option. Homeowners and businesses unable to install their own systems will be able to purchase green electricity from existing installations, and those solar electricity providers will be able to receive similar benefits as utilities.
Currently, Japan’s electricity market is partially open to private providers, which includes customers with 50 kW of capacity or greater, but over 96 percent of the market is still dominated by ten vertically-integrated, investor-owned utilities. By 2016, the Japanese government is planning to open up the remaining retail electricity market, which includes customers 50 kW of capacity or less (residential and small business) to fully break up the long-standing monopoly.
As of the end of July, over 300 companies have registered to sell electricity as a Power Producer Supplier (PPS) in the future deregulated retail market, which has an estimated value of 7.5 trillion yen (US $73.1 billion). See More Here
Currently, Japan’s electricity market is partially open to private providers, which includes customers with 50 kW of capacity or greater, but over 96 percent of the market is still dominated by ten vertically-integrated, investor-owned utilities. By 2016, the Japanese government is planning to open up the remaining retail electricity market, which includes customers 50 kW of capacity or less (residential and small business) to fully break up the long-standing monopoly.
As of the end of July, over 300 companies have registered to sell electricity as a Power Producer Supplier (PPS) in the future deregulated retail market, which has an estimated value of 7.5 trillion yen (US $73.1 billion). See More Here
August 19, 2014
Published at Nikkei Technology --- 2014年7月に発表されたあるランキングで、米Intel社が5年連続で1位に輝いた。それは、米国でのグリーン電力使用量のランキングだ。US Environmental Protection Agency (米国 環境保護庁)が、グリーン電力を社内で消費する企業を調査した結果に基づいている。この他に上位メーカーとして、米Google社、米Apple社などが並んでいる。
米国では、社会的責任(CRS)の一環として、再生可能エネルギーを積極的に利用する企業が増えている。全ての使用電力を「再生可能エネルギー100%」にすると公約している企業も多い。今後も米国では、再生可能エネルギーを導入する企業がますます増えるだろう。Read More Here
米国では、社会的責任(CRS)の一環として、再生可能エネルギーを積極的に利用する企業が増えている。全ての使用電力を「再生可能エネルギー100%」にすると公約している企業も多い。今後も米国では、再生可能エネルギーを導入する企業がますます増えるだろう。Read More Here
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Apple 20 MW Solar PV system at North Carolina: Credit Apple |
July 30, 2014
SolarCity Mail Solicitation - Looks like Government Notification That You Must Open
It looks like a document sent by a government. So instead of tossing it, I opened the mail. Just in case it is a notification of unpaid taxes or some kind of violation (not that I recall any...).
The first heading starts with "county participation." In the actual text, it says "our records indicate that your home at the above address may qualify for an Energy Cost Reduction. Incentives are available under the federal Energy Policy Act of 2005 and Section 25D and 48 of the Internal Revenue Code for homeowners who add solar energy systems to their homes."
"Federal Energy Policy Act." "Internal Revenue Code." Sounds like government related.
Well, it is a solicitation letter from SolarCity - the largest residential PV installer in the US.
At the very end of the letter, it also says "... local government are not associated or affiliated with SolarCity, and nothing herein is an express or implied endorsement by your utility or local government of SolarCity....
They got me. They made me open the letter and read it.
The first heading starts with "county participation." In the actual text, it says "our records indicate that your home at the above address may qualify for an Energy Cost Reduction. Incentives are available under the federal Energy Policy Act of 2005 and Section 25D and 48 of the Internal Revenue Code for homeowners who add solar energy systems to their homes."
"Federal Energy Policy Act." "Internal Revenue Code." Sounds like government related.
Well, it is a solicitation letter from SolarCity - the largest residential PV installer in the US.
At the very end of the letter, it also says "... local government are not associated or affiliated with SolarCity, and nothing herein is an express or implied endorsement by your utility or local government of SolarCity....
They got me. They made me open the letter and read it.
July 29, 2014
Published at Nikkei Online --- 日本では、ゴンドラを無料で提供するスキー場はあるだろうか。しかもそのゴンドラが、太陽光発電などの再生可能エネルギーの電力で動くとしたら…。コロラド州テルライド地域を訪れれば、そんなゴンドラに出会うことができる。周囲には、氷河が削り取った断崖に囲まれた、壮大な渓谷と山岳の景色が広がる。
テルライド地域は、コロラド州の南西部にあり、ロッキー山脈の一部であるサンファン山脈エリアに該当する。サンファン山脈は標高が 1万4000 フィート(約 4267メートル)を超える 4 つの峰を有し、世界で屈指のスキー場としても知られている。冬のレジャーのみならず、ハイキングやマウンテンバイク、乗馬、ミュージック・フィルム・フェスティバルなどと、1年を通して旅行者を魅了する。
このような公共の無料交通手段は、米国でも初めての試みだ。テルライド地域とマウンテン・ビレッジ町を結ぶこのゴンドラは約4kmの距離を運行しており、その間に3つの乗り場がある。8人乗りのゴンドラは、朝7時から夜中の12時まで運行している。年間で約225万人の旅行者と地元の人々が利用する。ゴンドラを運営するのに年間で約2百万kWhの電力を消費する。購入する電力は、現時点では主に火力発電所で発電されたものである。.. Read More Here
テルライド地域は、コロラド州の南西部にあり、ロッキー山脈の一部であるサンファン山脈エリアに該当する。サンファン山脈は標高が 1万4000 フィート(約 4267メートル)を超える 4 つの峰を有し、世界で屈指のスキー場としても知られている。冬のレジャーのみならず、ハイキングやマウンテンバイク、乗馬、ミュージック・フィルム・フェスティバルなどと、1年を通して旅行者を魅了する。
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"Green Gondola" Moving Between Telluride and Mountain Village, Colorado |
このような公共の無料交通手段は、米国でも初めての試みだ。テルライド地域とマウンテン・ビレッジ町を結ぶこのゴンドラは約4kmの距離を運行しており、その間に3つの乗り場がある。8人乗りのゴンドラは、朝7時から夜中の12時まで運行している。年間で約225万人の旅行者と地元の人々が利用する。ゴンドラを運営するのに年間で約2百万kWhの電力を消費する。購入する電力は、現時点では主に火力発電所で発電されたものである。.. Read More Here
July 21, 2014
Published at Nikkei Electronics --- 太陽電池モジュールを設置してコンセントにつなげば、発電した電力を家庭で利用でき、しかも売電までできる─。まるで家電製品のように扱える太陽光発電システムをご存じだろうか。米国ではこうしたシステムを「プラグアンドプレーソーラー」や「プラグインソーラー」などと呼んでおり、徐々に認知度が高まっている(図1)。家電量販店やWeb サイトで購入して、日曜大工の感覚で設置できるのが特徴だ。See More at
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Nikkei Electronics July 2014 |
July 18, 2014
Solar-powered Gondola Saving Clean Mountain Air in Colorado
Published at Renewable Energy World --- Visiting Telluride, Colorado, the first thing you notice, besides the spectacular mountain view, is a free gondola. The gondola, traveling from the town of Telluride to the town of Mountain Village, is the first and only free public transportation of its kind in the United States. It was built to improve air quality in the region, by keeping cars off the road.
“We created the free gondola for the right to build this town,” said Deanna Drew, director of plaza & environmental services at Mountain Village. With the condition to keep as many vehicles off the road as possible, Mountain Village was incorporated in 1995 to join 20 towns in San Miguel County and has become one of the world’s top resort destinations.
About 2.25 million hikers, mountain bikers, festival-goers, skiers, and locals take the free gondola each year, enjoying the view from 10,500 feet. But there is one catch. Operating the gondola requires about 2 million kilowatts hours (kWh) of electricity a year. The electricity used is mostly generated by coal-fired power plants... Read More Here
July 12, 2014
Getting Out of the Weeds: How To Control Vegetative Growth Under Solar Arrays
Published at Renewable Energy World --- It is officially summer. The sun is shining and the grass in your backyard is growing quickly. At home, mowing the lawn is one of summertime's most frequent chores — and it’s no different for the solar industry.
Weed or vegetation management is particularly important for ground-mounted solar systems. Tall weeds growing around the installation can create shading, which can negatively impact system production. It can also cause hot spot heating — if a part of the solar cell is shaded, the cell can heat up to such extreme temperatures that a module can burn out causing permanent damage.
After the feed-in tariff (FIT) program was launched in Japan a few years ago, many ground-mounted PV systems started popping up in the country where small residential roof-top solar systems used to dominate. System owners recognize that growing vegetation under and around PV systems must be minimized to protect their valuable investment.
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Emus taking care of weeds; Credit Oita Sekiyu |
There are several weed control methods used for PV ground-mount systems in Japan; mowing, spraying herbicide, grazing sheep/goats, and covering the area with weed control sheets, for example. Controlling weeds incurs additional operation and maintenance (O&M) expenses for PV system owners and the long-term costs and benefits need to be carefully examined.Read More Here
July 7, 2014
Published at Nikkei Technology Online --- 日本では大規模なメガソーラーの建設に注目が集まっているが、実は米国では今、住宅用市場が急成長している。米国における2013年の太陽光発電システム市場全体の成長率が41%だったのに対して、住宅用市場はそれを上回る60%だった。
全米太陽光発電協会(SEIA)とGTM Research社の太陽光発電市場レポートによると、2014年第1四半期には米国の住宅用市場が非住宅用市場(企業や政府機関などの建物、工場、倉庫など)を抜くまでに成長した。具体的には、住宅用が232MW、非住宅用が225MW、発電事業用が873MWだった。
米国の2014年第1四半期の住宅用市場は、日本のそれの1/3程度の規模とまだ小さいが、過去2年の四半期平均成長率(CQGR:compounded quarterly growth rate)は18%で、日本の8%を大きく上回った。
米国で住宅用市場の拡大に貢献しているのは、多種多様な「ファイナンスオプション」である。現金購入や銀行融資だけでなく、ホームエクイティローン(HEL、HELOC)やメーカーローン、ソーラーリース、ソーラー電力購入契約(PPA)、そして地方自治体が提供するPACE(property assessed clean energy)ファイナンスなどがある。Read More Here
全米太陽光発電協会(SEIA)とGTM Research社の太陽光発電市場レポートによると、2014年第1四半期には米国の住宅用市場が非住宅用市場(企業や政府機関などの建物、工場、倉庫など)を抜くまでに成長した。具体的には、住宅用が232MW、非住宅用が225MW、発電事業用が873MWだった。
米国の2014年第1四半期の住宅用市場は、日本のそれの1/3程度の規模とまだ小さいが、過去2年の四半期平均成長率(CQGR:compounded quarterly growth rate)は18%で、日本の8%を大きく上回った。
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US Residential PV Market vs. Japan Residential PV Market Source: GTM/SEIA and JPEA |
米国で住宅用市場の拡大に貢献しているのは、多種多様な「ファイナンスオプション」である。現金購入や銀行融資だけでなく、ホームエクイティローン(HEL、HELOC)やメーカーローン、ソーラーリース、ソーラー電力購入契約(PPA)、そして地方自治体が提供するPACE(property assessed clean energy)ファイナンスなどがある。Read More Here
June 19, 2014
Plug-and-Play Solar Systems: Automating the Permitting, Inspection and Interconnection Processes
Published at Renewable Energy World --- Can you imagine installing a photovoltaic (PV) solar system on the roof as easily as installing a television system in your living room? There would be no special tools, better yet, no electrical or structural permit applications and driving down and wait at your city’s planning department.
That time may be getting closer. Both the public and private sectors have been working together to make PV systems installation faster, easier, and less expensive — like a household appliance.
Plugged-in Solar PV System Kits
Currently a few grid-tie, plug-and-play solar systems are available in the U.S. market. Ensupra Solar LLC (Huston, Texas) has developed and markets do-it-yourself (DIY) PluggedSolar system kits, which can be installed in one day. Sunil Sinha, CEO of Ensupra Solar, said that the key is the standardization. Standard design and installation processes reduce the cost of installed solar system by almost 40 percent compared with traditional systems, which are highly customized... Read More Here
That time may be getting closer. Both the public and private sectors have been working together to make PV systems installation faster, easier, and less expensive — like a household appliance.
Plugged-in Solar PV System Kits
Currently a few grid-tie, plug-and-play solar systems are available in the U.S. market. Ensupra Solar LLC (Huston, Texas) has developed and markets do-it-yourself (DIY) PluggedSolar system kits, which can be installed in one day. Sunil Sinha, CEO of Ensupra Solar, said that the key is the standardization. Standard design and installation processes reduce the cost of installed solar system by almost 40 percent compared with traditional systems, which are highly customized... Read More Here
June 4, 2014
Published at Nikkei Technology Online --- 2020年までに、大規模太陽光発電施設の発電コストを、6米セント/kWhまで引き下げる――。米エネルギー省(DOE:Department of Energy)が掲げるコスト削減目標に向けた研究成果の発表や議論が、DOE主催のイベント「SunShot Grand Challenge Summit」(2014年4月19~21日、カリフォルニア州アナハイム市)で繰り広げられた。政府機関や大学、研究所、産業界などから、総勢800人を超える参加者が集まった。
DOEは2010年に、太陽エネルギー発電のコスト削減に向けた技術開発の10年計画を「SunShot Initiative(サンショット・イニシアティブ)」として発表している。“SunShot”は、ケネディー大統領が「人間を月に送り、無事に帰還させる」と宣言した宇宙開発プログラム「Moon Shot(ムーンショット)」の月を太陽に変えたものだ。SunShot Initiativeのゴールは、2010年に21米セント/kWhだった大規模太陽光発電施設の発電コストを、2020年に約70%減の6米セント/kWhまで引き下げるというものである。この発電コストは、化石燃料の発電コストに匹敵する。... Read More Here
DOEは2010年に、太陽エネルギー発電のコスト削減に向けた技術開発の10年計画を「SunShot Initiative(サンショット・イニシアティブ)」として発表している。“SunShot”は、ケネディー大統領が「人間を月に送り、無事に帰還させる」と宣言した宇宙開発プログラム「Moon Shot(ムーンショット)」の月を太陽に変えたものだ。SunShot Initiativeのゴールは、2010年に21米セント/kWhだった大規模太陽光発電施設の発電コストを、2020年に約70%減の6米セント/kWhまで引き下げるというものである。この発電コストは、化石燃料の発電コストに匹敵する。... Read More Here
The DOE Sunshot Grand Challenge Summit |
May 19, 2014
Fukushima, Japan Rebuilding Communities with Solar, Commits to 100 Percent Renewable Energy by 2040
Published at Renewable Energy World --- Fukushima experienced the world’s worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl when a 9.0 magnitude earthquake hit three years ago. Now, the region is trying to turn the “lost landscape” into massive renewable energy fields. The prefecture has declared “zero dependency on nuclear energy” and created a goal to meet 100 percent of its electricity needs with renewable energy, such as solar, by 2040. The prefectures also believes that investing in renewable energy will spur economic development and create jobs to help its recovery and rebuilding efforts.... Read More Here
Children learning solar systems at Agripark in Fukushima |
May 12, 2014
San Diego Gas & Electric Achieves 23.6% of Renewable Energy Procurement in 2013
Based on the latest RPS Procurement Progress Reports filed by San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), the utility procured 23.6% of its 2013 retail electricity sales with renewable power. It is moving toward the state goal of 33% by 2020.
SDG&E sold 16,164,015 MWh of electricity during 2013.
SDG&E procured 3,811,607 MWh of renewable energy during 2013.
Out of 3,811,607 MWh of renewable energy, solar PV accounts for 791,675. This means that solar represents 20.7% of the renewable procurement.
It is still 20.7%, but it was a big jump from 2012. During 2012, only 3,264 MWh of solar was procured.
Some of utility-scale solar projects contributed to SDG&E's achievements in 2013 were:
More solar projects are expected to be connected and deliver electricity this year. In 2014, the total procurement of solar is supposed to increase to 2,021,699 MWh - 2.5 times of 2013, according to the plan submitted to the CPUC.
SDG&E sold 16,164,015 MWh of electricity during 2013.
SDG&E procured 3,811,607 MWh of renewable energy during 2013.
Out of 3,811,607 MWh of renewable energy, solar PV accounts for 791,675. This means that solar represents 20.7% of the renewable procurement.
It is still 20.7%, but it was a big jump from 2012. During 2012, only 3,264 MWh of solar was procured.
Some of utility-scale solar projects contributed to SDG&E's achievements in 2013 were:
- Cataline Solar Project (143 MW-DC/110 MW-AC) in Kern County
- CSolar South Solar Project in Imperial County
- Campo Verde Solar Project(139 MW-AC) in Imperial County
- Arlington Valley Solar Energy Project (127 MW-AC) in Arlington, AZ
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CSolar South project in the Imperial Valley |
More solar projects are expected to be connected and deliver electricity this year. In 2014, the total procurement of solar is supposed to increase to 2,021,699 MWh - 2.5 times of 2013, according to the plan submitted to the CPUC.
May 7, 2014
汚染された土地をメガソーラーで再活用、潜在導入量は5.5GWに (Turning Contaminated Lands into Solar Power Fields)
Published at Nikkei Technology --- 米国では今、汚染された土地(汚染サイト)を、再生可能エネルギーの拠点として再活用しようという動きが活発になっている。米国環境保護庁(EPA:Environmental Protection Agency)の調査では、米国にある汚染されたサイトへの、太陽光発電システムの潜在導入量は5.5GWを超えるという。汚染サイトの活用を目指して、電力会社も動き始めた。
RE-Powering America’s Land!EPAは、汚染された土地を浄化して、再生可能エネルギーを開発する「RE-Powering America’s Land」と呼ぶ活動を始めた。対象となるのは、「スーパーファンド」や「ブランフィールド」、自然保全再生法の対象地域、旧埋め立て処分地、採鉱現場などである。... Read More
RE-Powering America’s Land!EPAは、汚染された土地を浄化して、再生可能エネルギーを開発する「RE-Powering America’s Land」と呼ぶ活動を始めた。対象となるのは、「スーパーファンド」や「ブランフィールド」、自然保全再生法の対象地域、旧埋め立て処分地、採鉱現場などである。... Read More
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Maywood Solar Farm at Superfund Site, MD (10.86 MW) |
May 6, 2014
San Diego Ranked as Top 2 Solar City in the U.S!
San Diego is listed as the second in the nation in terms of solar PV installed capacity. The report, released by Environment California in April, lists top 20 solar cities by total installed solar PV capacity (as of end of 2013).
San Diego is reported to have installed 107 MW of cumulative solar PV capacity. The No. 1 solar city was Los Angles, which has installed 132 MW.
Five Californian cities made it to the Top 20 (Los Angles: No 1, San Diego: No 2, San Jose: No 4, San Francisco: No 9, and Sacramento No. 12)...
San Diego is reported to have installed 107 MW of cumulative solar PV capacity. The No. 1 solar city was Los Angles, which has installed 132 MW.
Five Californian cities made it to the Top 20 (Los Angles: No 1, San Diego: No 2, San Jose: No 4, San Francisco: No 9, and Sacramento No. 12)...
"Off-grid" Solar Integrated Curtain Walls Developed by Obayashi Co. in Japan
In April, Obayashi Co, a leading construction service company in Japan, announced that it has developed and installed a solar integrated (BIPV) curtain wall system as one of its testing facilities.
The curtain wall is made of crystalline silicon cells with glasses.
Unlike regular BIPV systems, this system is not connected to the grid. The power generated by this system is used to operate energy efficient windows and retractable screens for windows and stored in batteries.
Some benefits of being off-grid are (1) power can be used for communications and lights in case of emergencies and (2) it can be quickly installed since it doesn't need to go through lengthy regulatory procedures with utilities.
The curtain wall is made of crystalline silicon cells with glasses.
Unlike regular BIPV systems, this system is not connected to the grid. The power generated by this system is used to operate energy efficient windows and retractable screens for windows and stored in batteries.
Some benefits of being off-grid are (1) power can be used for communications and lights in case of emergencies and (2) it can be quickly installed since it doesn't need to go through lengthy regulatory procedures with utilities.
May 1, 2014
Hokkaido Is the New Solar Capital of Japan
Published at Renewable Energy World --- While not the warmest or sunniest part of Japan, Hokkaido will become the largest “mega-solar” market in Japan according to the latest data published by the nation's Ministry of Energy, Trade and Industry (METI). The METI has approved over 31 GW worth of PV systems under the feed-in tariff (FIT) program between July 2012 and January 2014. PV systems sized over 1 MW, known as mega-solar, represent over 51 percent of the approved systems or 16 GW, out of which Hokkaido accounts for 12 percent of all approved mega-solar projects.... Read More Here
April 30, 2014
世界初、歩ける太陽光発電パネルの歩道 LED照明を充電し、夜には光る歩道に (World First Walkable Solar Sidewalk)
Published at Solar Journal --- 世界初となる、太陽光発電パネルで出来た歩道(ソーラーウォーク)がGeorge Washington UniversityのVirginia Science and Technologyキャンパスに完成した。
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Solar Journal Vol. 9 (04/30/2014 Published) |
Purchase magazine at Solar Journal
Japan Residential PV Program is Over for Good!
Japan Photovoltaic Expansion Center, J-PAC, released the latest data on the national residential PV rebate program. Considering the federal government ended the long-run rebate program at the end of March for good, the installation capacity in the first quarter of 2014 was just over 260 MW, almost 100 MW less than the same quarter in the previous year.
During the fiscal year 2013 (FY2013), the government provided a rebate of 20 yen/watt for the installed system cost below 400 yen/watt and 15 yen/watt for the system cost below 500 yen/watt and above 400 yen/watt.
According to J-PAC, the average system cost for retrofit systems was 414 yen/watt while that for new homes was 378 yen/watt. Compared to the same quarter in the previous year, the installed system price for retrofit systems came down by 10% and that for new homes was down by 9%.
During the fiscal year 2013 (FY2013), the government provided a rebate of 20 yen/watt for the installed system cost below 400 yen/watt and 15 yen/watt for the system cost below 500 yen/watt and above 400 yen/watt.
According to J-PAC, the average system cost for retrofit systems was 414 yen/watt while that for new homes was 378 yen/watt. Compared to the same quarter in the previous year, the installed system price for retrofit systems came down by 10% and that for new homes was down by 9%.
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Japan residential PV average system cost by quarter |
Although the program didn’t receive rush applications toward
the end of the fiscal year, over 1.3 GW worth of residential PV systems was
supported by the national rebate program during FY2013.
A big question is whether the Japanese residential PV market can continue growing without the capacity-based incentive moving-forward...
A big question is whether the Japanese residential PV market can continue growing without the capacity-based incentive moving-forward...
April 11, 2014
ネット対応の「魔法のゴミ箱」ゴミの回収コストを85%削減 (Solar-Powered Trashed Cans Reduce Waste Collection Cost by 85%)
Published at Nikkei Electronics --- 米国カリフォルニア州サンディエゴ市の郊外に位置する、カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校(University of California, San Diego:UCSD)のキャンパスを歩いていると、大きなゴミ箱が目に飛び込んでくる。ゴミ箱の外形寸法は1281mm×672mm×660mm、重さは136kgで、「BigBelly」(大きなお腹)と呼ばれている。UCSDでは、2012年3月にBigBellyを設置したことで、ゴミ回収の頻度が90%減り、運営コストを85%削減できた。この“魔法のゴミ箱”は、欧米を中心に世界40カ国で設置が進んでいるという。... Read more here
April 7, 2014
メガソーラーの電力を運ぶ大規模送電網、低所得世帯への太陽光発電システム設置に貢献 (Low-Income Solar Rooftop Program Funded by Sunrise Powerlink for Utility-Scale Solar Projects)
Published at Nikkei Technology --- 米国カリフォルニア州の南東部に位置するインペリアルバレーは、アリゾナ州やメキシコに隣接しており、天候に恵まれた広大な土地を有している。このため、太陽光を含む再生可能エネルギーの開発の舞台となってきた。
再生可能エネルギーの宝庫であるインペリアルバレーと、一大電力消費地であるサンディエゴを結ぶ、新たな送電網「Sunrise Powerlink」が2年ほど前に完成した。送電電圧は500kVで、全長は117マイル(1マイルは約1.6km)に及ぶ。実はSunrise Powerlinkは、メガソーラーなどの再生可能エネルギーの開発を促進するだけでなく、低所得世帯への太陽光発電システムの設置にも貢献している。Read More
再生可能エネルギーの宝庫であるインペリアルバレーと、一大電力消費地であるサンディエゴを結ぶ、新たな送電網「Sunrise Powerlink」が2年ほど前に完成した。送電電圧は500kVで、全長は117マイル(1マイルは約1.6km)に及ぶ。実はSunrise Powerlinkは、メガソーラーなどの再生可能エネルギーの開発を促進するだけでなく、低所得世帯への太陽光発電システムの設置にも貢献している。Read More
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Utility-scale Solar Projects at the Imperial Valley, California |
April 3, 2014
Low-Income Rooftop Solar Program Helping Hundreds of California Families
Published at Renewable Energy World --- In June 2012, the Sunrise Powerlink, a 117-mile, 500-kilovolt transmission line, was completed after years of review, permitting processes and controversies. San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) developed the line to facilitate the development and generation of renewable energy in the Imperial Valley, California’s southwest desert, and to bring power to the San Diego region.
Despite its controversies, the Sunrise Powerlink currently carries 872 megawatts of electricity “100 percent generated by renewable energy such as solar and wind physically located in California,” said James Avery, Senior Vice President of Power Supply for SDG&E... Read More here
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SDG&E Sunrise Powerlink |
March 31, 2014
Japan's New Solar Feed-in Tariff Rates
(Below 10 kW)
(Above 10 kW)
In March, Japan announced the new feed-in tariff (FIT) rates
for FY2014, which runs from April 1, 2014 through March 31, 2015. The new rate for
residential systems (below 10 kW) is ¥37/kWh. This represents only ¥1/kWh lower
than the last rate, reflecting the end of the residential PV rebate program.
The rate for non-residential systems (above 10 kW) is now
¥32/kWh (excluding tax). This means ¥4/kWh less or 11% reduction from the
previous fiscal year.
Japan launched the much-anticipated feed-in tariff (FIT) on
July 1st 2011, with the goal of accelerating the non-residential
(including utility-scale power generators) segment. Japan shifted its focus to
the non-residential from the residential segment, which built the foundation of
the solar market in Japan.
The Japanese government made a plan to provide attractive FIT
rates for the first three years of the program to encourage investments in the
domestic solar market.
The program offers a full FIT for non-residential systems, requiring
utilities to purchase all electricity generated from solar systems at the
premium rate for 20 years.
For residential system, the program offers a Net FIT,
requiring utilities to buy only excess electricity generated by PV systems at a
premium rate for a period of 10 years. The main reason Japan is implementing
the Net FIT policy – purchasing only excess generated electricity, instead of
purchasing all generated electricity – is to incentivize energy conservation among
homeowners and to limit the program cost burden that is shared by all
electricity ratepayers.
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