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List of Articles Written Before 2013

·  California Poised to Regain US Solar Dominance, December 2012, Solarbuzz

·   PV Projects Accelerate from Land to Lake in Japan, November 2012, Solarbuzz

·   カリフォルニア州の補助制度、透明化で太陽光発電産業を自立に導く (California Rebate Program: the Transparency Leading the PV Industry to the Self-Sustainable Growth), March 2012, Nikkei BP Tech-On!

·   Japan PV Market: 2012 – the Year of Make or Break, February 2012, PV-Tech 

·   2GWを超えた米国の太陽光発電市場、電力事業用が44%を占める, (US PV Market Exceeding 2 GW, Utility Segment Accounting for Over 44%), January 2012, Nikkei BP Tech-On!

·   中国製モジュールの流入とグローバル化を考える (Influx of Chinese Modules to Japan and Globalization), December 2011, Nikkei BP Tech-On!

·   Google社も投資する太陽光発電システムのリース事業に注目 (Check US Solar Leasing Business in which Google also Invests), November 2011, Nikkei BP Tech-On!

·    Where is Trade Dispute Leading US PV Market?, October 2011, Solarbuzz

·    多様性が支える米国の太陽電池市場、いつか欧州の主要国に追い付く日が来る (Diversifying US PV Market will Catch up with European Markets Soon), October 2011, Nikkei BP Tech-On!