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Topaz Solar Farm Planning by First Solar |
Latest solar PV and other renewable energy market developments - policies, new products/services, business models, and market players - in the US and Japan
December 4, 2013
世界最大のEPC事業者となったFirst Solar社、メガソーラーからギガソーラーへ
Published at Nikkei Technology --- 日本では、固定価格買い取り制度の下で、メガソーラーの設置が順調に進んでいる。2013年11月には、国内最大規模となる約70MWの「鹿児島七ツ島メガソーラー発電所」が運転を開始した。一方、米国の施設は、メガソーラー(MW)から、ギガソーラー(GW)の規模に近づきつつある。現時点で米国最大の施設は、2013年10月に完成した250MWの「California Valley Solar Ranch(CVSR)」である。この他にも500MW超のメガソーラーの計画が進んでおり、中にはGWクラスもある。... Read More Here
November 7, 2013
Running Out of Precious Land? Floating Solar PV Systems May Be a Solution
Published at Renewable Energy World --- In June, a 1.18-MW PV system floating on a water reservoir became operational in Japan. The system called “Solar on the Water Okegawa” in Saitama prefecture is currently the biggest system of its kind in Japan. It was developed by Ciel el Terre (France), which has been developing large-scale PV systems mainly in France since 2006. Having recognized the issues of land shortage and of protecting natural and agricultural lands, the company noticed many inland water reservoirs, which are located near grid-connection, but under-utilized.... Read More Here
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Floatovltaic System at Winery at Far Niente |
November 1, 2013
Published at Nikkei Technology --- 2013年10月21~24日の4日間、北米最大の太陽光発電関連の展示会「Solar Power International (SPI) 2013」が、米国シカゴで開催された。10年目となる今回は、国内外から1万2000人以上が参加した。この10年間に、米国市場は大きな飛躍を遂げた。振り返れば、10年前の2003年には米国市場の年間導入量は45MW だった。それが2012年には3GWを超え、2013年は4GW超と予想されている。
SPIは、展示会とセミナーで構成されている。このうち展示会では、10年前に大きなブースを構えた日本のシャープや京セラ、米SunPower社、米First Solar社などのモジュール・メーカーは出展していなかった。モジュール・メーカーの出展は66社だったが、このうち大きなブースを構えていたのはドイツQ-Cells社を買収した韓国Hanwha SolarOne 社のみだった。... Read More Here
SPIは、展示会とセミナーで構成されている。このうち展示会では、10年前に大きなブースを構えた日本のシャープや京セラ、米SunPower社、米First Solar社などのモジュール・メーカーは出展していなかった。モジュール・メーカーの出展は66社だったが、このうち大きなブースを構えていたのはドイツQ-Cells社を買収した韓国Hanwha SolarOne 社のみだった。... Read More Here
Solar Power International 2013 at Chicago |
October 25, 2013
Published at Nikkei Technology --- 東芝三菱電機産業システム(TMEIC)は、定格出力1.667MWと大容量のメガソーラー(大規模太陽光発電所)用パワーコンディショナー(PCS)「SOLAR WARE SAMURAI(侍)」を、米国市場に投入する。太陽電池分野で米国最大の展示会「Solar Power International 2013」(2013年10月22~24日、米国シカゴ)で発表した。
SOLAR WARE SAMURAIは、米国で最も巨大な市場である電力事業用をターゲットにしている。その中でも“スイート・スポット”とされる、20MW規模のメガソーラーに対しては、SAMURAIを12機利用することで対応できる。入力電圧は直流1000Vに対応しており、MPPT動作電圧は直流550~950V、電力変換効率の最大値は98.7%である.... Read More
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Solar Pare Samurai by TMEIC |
October 10, 2013
Japan Next-Generation Farmers Cultivate Crops and Solar Energy
Published at Renewable Energy World --- Farmers in Japan can now generate solar electricity while growing crops on the same farmland. In April, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) approved the installation of PV systems on existing crop-producing farmland. Previously solar generation on farmland, productive or idle, was prohibited under the Agricultural Land Act.
This co-existence or double-generation is known as “Solar Sharing” in Japan. The concept was originally developed by Akira Nagashima in 2004, who was a retired agricultural machinery engineer who later studied biology and learned the “light saturation point.” The rate of photosynthesis increases as the irradiance level is increased; however at one point, any further increase in the amount of light that strikes the plant does not cause any increase to the rate of photosynthesis.... Read More
September 26, 2013
Published at Nikkei Technology --- 米国では太陽電池モジュールの裏側に、ジャンクション・ボックスの数倍の大きさに納めたマイクロインバータと呼ぶ機器を設置する需要が急速に増えている。マイクロインバータは、既存の集中型パワー・コンディショナに代わり、出力の最適化からDC-AC変換までを各モジュールで実行するための機器である。モジュールからの出力は交流となり、集中型パワー・コンディショナを介さずに、そのまま電力系統へ接続できる。。。。Read More
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Microinverter by SolarBridge |
September 2, 2013
Published at Nikkei Technology --- 米国カリフォルニア州で、賃貸集合住宅に太陽光発電システムを設置する事例が増えている。この動きを後押ししているのは、カリフォルニア州の補助制度と、前回紹介した「バーチャル・ネットメータリング(VNM:virtual net metering)」である(Tech-On!関連記事)。VNMは、遠隔地にある太陽光発電システムや、自らの所有ではない太陽光発電システムを、あたかも自分の家の屋根に設置しているかのように利用できる仕組みである。
賃貸集合住宅のうち、まず低所得者向けで、太陽光発電システムの設置が活発になった。低所得者向け賃貸集合住宅に太陽光発電システムの設置を促す補助金プログラム「multifamily affordable solar housing (MASH)」が、カリフォルニア州で2007年に始まったからだ。。。。Read More
賃貸集合住宅のうち、まず低所得者向けで、太陽光発電システムの設置が活発になった。低所得者向け賃貸集合住宅に太陽光発電システムの設置を促す補助金プログラム「multifamily affordable solar housing (MASH)」が、カリフォルニア州で2007年に始まったからだ。。。。Read More
August 20, 2013
California Solar Energy Apartments: Virtual Net Metering Allows Energy Savings One Tenant at a Time
Published at Renewable Energy World --- In California, residents at any, affordable or luxury, apartments can enjoy the benefit of solar powered electricity at their own apartment complex, without owning PV panels. This benefit is made possible by Virtual Net Metering (VNM). Although VNM is not a new thing, it has the potential to be the next big thing to expand solar on multi-tenant properties.
In the past, apartment owners could put a PV system on an apartment complex only to offset the electricity load of common areas or to offset tenant loads. Offset tenant loads for multi-family housing required separate PV systems and inverters for each tenant and this process was often very complicated and expensive. VNM has removed this barrier, allowing the distribution of energy from a single PV system among multiple meters, without requiring the system to be physically connected to each tenant’s meter. ... Read More
Oak Knoll Villas (low-income solar housing project) by Everyday Energy |
August 5, 2013
Published at Nikkei Technology --- 米国では、約75%の居住者が太陽光発電システムを導入できない状況にあると推定されている。その理由は、屋根が狭い、屋根の形状や方角、屋根材が太陽光発電に向いていない、他の建物の陰になっている、自分の所有する建物ではない、など様々だ。こうした人々は、太陽光発電システムを設置すれば実現するはずの、電力の自給自足や売電収入の確保といった恩恵を受けることができない。
そこで米国では、誰もが太陽光発電システムの恩恵を受けられる「コミュニティ・ソーラー(Community Solar)」という仕組みが人気を博している。「シェアード・ソーラー(Shared Solar)」や「コミュニティ・ソーラー・ガーデンズ(Community Solar Gardens)」、「コミュニティ・シェア・ソーラー(Community Shared Solar)」とも呼ばれる。... Read More
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コミュニティーソーラーの仕組み |
July 29, 2013
New Solar Homes: Japanese Homebuilders Helping the Fight for Energy Independence
Published at Renewable Energy World --- One of the striking differences between the U.S. and Japanese solar PV markets is the number of new solar homes. In Japan, homebuilders promote “smart homes” to differentiate their products and appeal to new homebuyers who are conscious about saving energy amidst rising electricity costs. In Japan, the new PV home market represented 30 percent of the total residential PV market in 2012 or over 370 MW of PV installation. In California this market accounted for 13 percent of the total residential PV market during the same period.... Read More
New Solar Home Sales in Japan |
July 9, 2013
Published at Nikkei Technology --- 数カ月前、米国で“クリーン”な太陽光発電産業を揺るがすニュースが話題になった。その内容は、太陽電池のライフサイクル・アセスメントに関するデータの中に、生産時に発生した廃棄物の処理や輸送に関わるカーボン・フットプリントが含まれていないというものだった。このニュースをキッカケに、太陽光発電産業の生産者責任について、注目が集まるようになっている。
カリフォルニア州の有害物質規制局(DTSC:Department of Toxic Substances Control)は、カリフォルニア州に工場を持つ17の太陽光発電関連企業の廃棄物処理データを公表した。それによると、2007年から2011年上半期の間に、合計で約465万ポンドのヘドロと汚染水を生み出していた。これらの企業には、オバマ政権から多額の条件付き融資保障を得た後に破綻した米Solyndra社や、複数の太陽光発電関連ベンチャー企業も含まれていた。... Read More
June 13, 2013
Recovery Report: Japan PV Manufacturers Find Their Domestic Sweet Spot
Published at Renewable Energy World --- Almost one decade ago, Japanese PV makers dominated global PV production — Sharp, Kyocera, Sanyo (now part of Panasonic) and Mitsubishi Electric represented about 50 percent of global production in 2005. When German and other European markets expanded quickly, a great number of companies in Europe and Asia, specifically China, jumped into the “potentially” profitable PV industry. They rapidly ramped up their production and brought down costs, leaving Japanese companies behind.
When the Japanese government decided to pump life into the lagging domestic PV market, it created a generous feed-in tariff (FIT) program. Japanese manufacturers began enjoying full access to the lucrative domestic market and started to see the improvements in their bottom lines.... Read More
June 3, 2013
Published at Nikkei Technology --- 米国カリフォルニア州で開催された、住宅用太陽光発電システムの補助金に関する説明会での出来事である。参加者が「できるだけ多くの太陽電池モジュールを屋根に設置して、どんどん発電したい」と発言すると、講師は「お宅の電力消費量以上に発電しても、それほど得にはなりませんよ」と回答した。なぜだろうか。実は米国の住宅向け余剰電力買い取り制度は日本と大きく異なっており、売電で収入を得ることが難しいのだ。
日本では、10kW未満のシステムであれば余剰電力を全国一律38円/kWhで、10kW以上であれば全発電量を37.8円/kWhで買い取ってもらえる。しかしカリフォルニア州の住宅では、ある月に余剰電力が発生した場合、その時点で対価は支払われず、次の月に余剰電力量が繰り越される。... Read More
日本では、10kW未満のシステムであれば余剰電力を全国一律38円/kWhで、10kW以上であれば全発電量を37.8円/kWhで買い取ってもらえる。しかしカリフォルニア州の住宅では、ある月に余剰電力が発生した場合、その時点で対価は支払われず、次の月に余剰電力量が繰り越される。... Read More
May 14, 2013
Fighting Blackouts: Japan Residential PV and Energy Storage Market Flourishing
Published at Renewable Energy World --- Almost one decade ago, Japanese PV makers dominated global PV production — Sharp, Kyocera, Sanyo (now part of Panasonic) and Mitsubishi Electric represented about 50 percent of global production in 2005. When German and other European markets expanded quickly, a great number of companies in Europe and Asia, specifically China, jumped into the “potentially” profitable PV industry. They rapidly ramped up their production and brought down costs, leaving Japanese companies behind.
When the Japanese government decided to pump life into the lagging domestic PV market, it created a generous feed-in tariff (FIT) program. Japanese manufacturers began enjoying full access to the lucrative domestic market and started to see the improvements in their bottom lines.... Read More
May 13, 2013
Published at Nikkei Technology --- 2013年の太陽電池の地域別導入量で、日本は中国に次ぐ世界2位の市場になるとの予測が、複数の調査会社から発表になっている。この「日本急成長説」は、2012年7月に日本で固定価格買い取り制度が始まり、数GW以上の大規模プロジェクトの設備認定が急増したことが背景にある。確かにメガソーラーを含む大型システムは、規模が大きいことから、市場規模の拡大に貢献しやすい。しかし、現在の高い買い取り価格のために、持続的な成長ではなく、一時的なブームで終わるのではないかとの懸念もある。投資が目的の場合、買い取り価格のみで市場が動くため、制度開始から3年間と決められた「プレミア価格」が終了すれば、ブームが去る可能性はあるだろう。... Read More
May 3, 2013
Is the Japan PV Market the Next Big Thing?
Published at Renewable Energy World --- Japan has been experiencing an enormous boom in solar energy development over the past year. More than 6.7 GW of PV projects have been approved between July 2012 and January 2013, according to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), and more than 47 percent of these projects are over 1 megawatt (MW), which is locally known as Mega Solar.
Can Japan really be moving up to the second largest PV market in the world this year? There are some critics.
As Japan brings more Mega Solar online, it has started to experience grid issues. Hokkaido Power Electric Company, one Japan's investor-owned utilities, revealed that the capacity of its ultra-high-voltage transmission, which PV systems sized over 2 MW are interconnected, is currently 400 MW. As of March 31, the utility received four times as many applications as it could hold. This means that the ¾ of the applied projects will not be able to access the grid or need to reduce scale — Hokkaido sent out notifications to large project applicants about the unavailability of the grid capacity. In the meantime, METI requested that project developers consider other less crowded areas for solar developments.... Read More
May 1, 2013
Game Changer: Can Solar Frontier be the Next Shining Star in Japan then World?
In this very turbulent PV market, which PV module company is currently making profits, expanding production capacity, and cannot even catch up with the demand!? The answer is Solar Frontier, a Japanese CIS (copper, indium, selenium) thin-film PV manufacturer.
Once Japananese PV makers dominated the world PV production. Until almost a decade ago. Sharp, Kyocera, Sanyo (now part of Panasonic) and Mitsubishi Electric led the world. When German and other European markets expanded quickly, a great number of companies in Europe and Asia, specifically China, joined the “potentially” profitable PV industry, rapidly ramped up their production and brought down the production cost, leaving the Japanese companies behind.
When Japanese government decided to put a brake on the lagging domestic PV manufactures and market by creating the Feed-in tariff (FIT) program, Japanese makers were like a Koi fish in a pond, began enjoying the benefit of the full access to the lucrative domestic market and they start seeing the improvement of their bottom line. Solar Frointier is no exception.
While many module companies such as SolarWorld and Sharp are losing money or going under major restructuring such as Suntech and LDK to survive in the industry where ample of modules sever price erosion caused by global oversupply. Recently the company has achieved followings:
It is reported that thin-film PV lost more ground globally to silicon PV in 2012, the thin-film share in Japan is in fact increasing. The data released by the Japan Photovoltaitc Energy Association (JPEA) shows that thin-film took 13% of the Japanese PV technology market share, up by 22% from 11% share in 2011. This year the share can be expected to get larger again. Nobuyuki Nagashima, Solar Frontier’s Manager for Communications
An interview with a Solar Frontier executive will reveal the company’s growing strategies along with its plan to catch up with First Solar, the world largest thin-film producer. Solar Frontier will be able to cut production costs of its solar modules by half in the next few years as it seeks to emerge as one of the world’s biggest solar module manufacturers.
Once Japananese PV makers dominated the world PV production. Until almost a decade ago. Sharp, Kyocera, Sanyo (now part of Panasonic) and Mitsubishi Electric led the world. When German and other European markets expanded quickly, a great number of companies in Europe and Asia, specifically China, joined the “potentially” profitable PV industry, rapidly ramped up their production and brought down the production cost, leaving the Japanese companies behind.
When Japanese government decided to put a brake on the lagging domestic PV manufactures and market by creating the Feed-in tariff (FIT) program, Japanese makers were like a Koi fish in a pond, began enjoying the benefit of the full access to the lucrative domestic market and they start seeing the improvement of their bottom line. Solar Frointier is no exception.
While many module companies such as SolarWorld and Sharp are losing money or going under major restructuring such as Suntech and LDK to survive in the industry where ample of modules sever price erosion caused by global oversupply. Recently the company has achieved followings:
- Made a first operating profit in the first quarter 2013, two quarters ahead of the plan
- Reduced the material costs by 25% by the first half of 2012 and it is improving
- Bumped up its production capacity utilization to 100% at its 900-MW Kunitomi plant from January
- Will resume production at its previously suspended 60-MW Miyazaki No. 2 PV plant from July
- Vertically expanding into the downstream solar value chain, as an EPC contractor, Project Developer and Independent Power Producer, becoming a turnkey solution provider – beyond a module only provider
- Created a joint investment company with Development Bank of Japan (DBJ) to fund 100-MW worth of large-scale PV projects (500 kW to 2 MW in size) in Japan.
It is reported that thin-film PV lost more ground globally to silicon PV in 2012, the thin-film share in Japan is in fact increasing. The data released by the Japan Photovoltaitc Energy Association (JPEA) shows that thin-film took 13% of the Japanese PV technology market share, up by 22% from 11% share in 2011. This year the share can be expected to get larger again. Nobuyuki Nagashima, Solar Frontier’s Manager for Communications
An interview with a Solar Frontier executive will reveal the company’s growing strategies along with its plan to catch up with First Solar, the world largest thin-film producer. Solar Frontier will be able to cut production costs of its solar modules by half in the next few years as it seeks to emerge as one of the world’s biggest solar module manufacturers.
April 18, 2013
How Does The California Solar Initiative Compare To Japan's FIT?
Published at Solar Industry Magazine --- Both the California Solar Initiative (CSI) and Japan's solar feed-in-tariff (FIT) program have been widely praised as successful models for incentivizing solar installations. Comparing and contrasting the two markets that have resulted can provide useful information for solar professionals both inside and outside of California and Japan.
Overall, the Japanese residential program is larger in scale, but the CSI is growing faster with less incentive.
Many research companies are projecting that the Japanese PV market will be the next big market this year, fueled by the national FIT program launched less than one year ago. According to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, between July 2012 and January 2013, over 6.7 GW worth of PV projects - mostly large non-residential systems - were approved under the FIT program and 47% of the 6.7 GW represents systems larger than 1 MW.... Read More
Overall, the Japanese residential program is larger in scale, but the CSI is growing faster with less incentive.
Many research companies are projecting that the Japanese PV market will be the next big market this year, fueled by the national FIT program launched less than one year ago. According to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, between July 2012 and January 2013, over 6.7 GW worth of PV projects - mostly large non-residential systems - were approved under the FIT program and 47% of the 6.7 GW represents systems larger than 1 MW.... Read More
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