April 26, 2015


Published at Nikkei Technology ---  前回の記事で紹介した「ネットメータリング」は、分散型太陽光発電システムによる“自産自消”を促すための制度である。太陽光発電による発電量で住宅などの電力消費量を相殺しながら、余剰発電量は次の月に繰り越して電気料金を削減する。この制度は、米国の分散型太陽光発電システムの普及に大きな役割を担ってきた(前回の記事)。



Net Metering Cap by State, Credit: National Renewable Energy Laboratory


 上限を定める基準として最も多く使われているのは、州または各電力会社の最大電力需要である。参照年と呼ばれる、特定の年の最大電力需要を上限の計算用に使う。ネットメータリング制度を施行しているのは、全米50州のうち43州とワシントンDCであり、この中の22州が最大電力需要を上限の基準に用いている。例えばユタ州は、2007年の最大電力需要の20%を総設置容量の上限としている。イリノイ州やミズリー州は、前年の最大電力需要の5%で上限を計算する。。。Read More Here

April 22, 2015

California’s First Zero Net Energy Community Opens on Earth Day to Support Bold State Goals

Published at Renewable Energy World --- Say hello to your dream home and goodbye to rising electric bills. Meritage Homes, headquarted in Scottsdale Arizona, will reveal California’s first and only Net Zero Community on this year’s Earth Day, April 22. The homebuilder has partnered with leading energy companies to develop a community called Sierra Crest with 20 zero net energy (ZNE) homes in North Fontana area.

Zero Net Energy Homes at Fontana, California. Credit: Meritage Homes.
Currently the energy used in homes and buildings is the second largest contributor to California’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. ZNE homes and buildings can help reduce the state’s energy demand and environmental impacts associated with homes and buildings, providing more resilience to climate impacts.

“There are several ZNE homes throughout California, but none clustered at one community,” commented CR Herro, Vice President of Environmental Affairs at Meritage Homes. “This community not only allows the value of operation cost reduction to the homeowners, but provides much needed data to the utilities about kW production and demand at each home, and cumulatively at the transformer level to provide needed data to design service for community level Zero Energy as California building code progresses toward this standard.”

Meritage Homes along with BIRAenergy, Itron and Southern California Edison (SCE) will work with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to evaluate the energy use and grid integration of this new community and investigate economic feasibility to support California’s “big bold goal.”

In 2008, California set bold energy-use reduction goals — all new residential construction will be zero net energy by 2020 and commercial buildings by 2030. New homes and buildings will achieve ZNE first through high levels of energy efficiency, and then through the addition of clean, on-site renewable power generation, typically solar PV to meet 100 percent of their annual energy need.... Read More Here

April 20, 2015

Japan Solar Boom Spurred by Low-Interest Loans from Local Banks, Credit Unions, Utilities

Published at Renewable Energy World --- San Diego, Calif. — The U.S. residential solar photovoltaic (PV) market is on the rise. According to SEIA/GTM Research, in 2014 the residential market surpassed the non-residential market for the first time. "The past three years have now seen the residential market grow by at least 50 percent on an annual basis, buoyed by major strides to lower soft costs, in tandem with increased penetration of third party financing solutions,” commented Cory Honeyman, Solar Analyst at GTM Research.

While the third-party ownership (TPO) financing option has been the strong driver for the last several years, solar loans, which provide ownerships to homeowners, are now moving into the mainstream.

Japan, which installed almost twice as many residential PV installations as the U.S. in 2014, is one of the world's largest residential PV markets in terms of cumulative installations. The country’s residential PV market has achieved this with only two PV financing options: cash and loans. It has not offered leasing or power purchase agreements, which are common in the U.S.

“About forty percent of our customers buy PV systems with cash and the remaining 60 percent of our customers use solar loans,” said a manager of one of the largest residential PV installers in Japan.

According to the manager, the average purchase cost of a system (3-4 kW-DC) the company sells is approximately ¥1.5 million ($12,600), and for those who don’t have bundles of cash stashed away in the home, the company offers solar loans through three consumer credit financing companies.  All three of them offer 10- or 15-year unsecured loans with low, fixed interest rates....Read More Here

April 19, 2015


Published at Nikkei Technology --- 米国における2014年の太陽光発電システム導入量は、対前年比30%増の6.2GWになった。特筆すべき変化は、住宅用が産業・商業用を初めて抜いたことだ。住宅用の年間成長率は50%を越える(全米太陽光発電協会(SEIA)と米GTM Research社の最新の太陽光発電市場レポートによる)。



 GTM Research社でソーラーアナリストを務めるCory Honeyman氏によると、米国の住宅用太陽光発電システム市場は、2012~2014年の過去3年間に、50%以上の年間成長率を続けてきた。


 補助金なしでも導入が進むのは、設置費用などの「ソフトコスト」の低下や、頭金などを必要としない「リーシング」と呼ばれるファイナンスオプションが存在することなどが背景にある。さらに、今回のテーマであるネットメータリングも、導入促進に大きな役割を果たしている。Read More Here