June 26, 2017

CSP Eyes Strong Growth with Thermal Energy Storage to Compete Against PV

Published at Renewable Energy World: Concentrating solar power (CSP) has existed since 1866, but for the last couple of decades, photovoltaic (PV) has been the dominant solar technology. Now with technological advancements and energy storage, CSP is poised to make a significant comeback. Cleanergy AB, a Stirling CSP technology provider based in Sweden, has signed an agreement to deploy a 200-MW CSP project in China. Datang Holdings New Energy Technologies Ltd in China will secure government approvals and financing for this CSP project.

The project will be built in two phases: 50 MW in 2018 and 150 MW with latent heat storage. There are three forms to store heat: latent, sensible, and thermochemical. The latent heat storage uses the process of melting or crystallizing a material known as Phase Change Material (PCM). Cleanergy believes that it will be essential for all renewable technologies to be equipped with energy storage as penetration of renewable energy increases in the grid. “For CSP specifically, the competitiveness against PV hinges on a more efficient solution for delivery of dispatched energy,” commented Jonas Eklind, president and CEO of Cleanergy.

Credit: Cleanergy

Aalborg CSP, another CSP provider, made a joint development agreement with SaltX Technology to offer cost-effective, fully-scalable, and dispatchable renewable energy solutions. Based in Sweden, SaltX has invented a patented technology to store thermal energy with salt.

“EnerStore, SaltX’s large-scale storage, is a thermochemical storage, which chemically holds the thermal energy in the salt so that the temperature 500 degree Celsius can be taken out at the same level without maintenance heating and with no or marginal heat losses,” explained Karl Bohman, CEO of SaltX Technology. “In addition, the EnerStore material, with the nano-coating, does not corrode as opposed to molten salt. It is non-toxic and can be recycled at the end of its life cycle.”

Eklind’s comment echoed this. “In order to compete with PV, the storage component in CSP is critical,” he said...Read More Here

June 19, 2017

米テスラ社の「ソーラールーフ」、予約販売の開始日に完売 価格は公表、変換効率は未だに「ミステリー」

Published at Nikkei Technology Online ---  昨年10月末、米テスラ社のCEO(最高経営責任者)のイーロン・マスク氏が「ソーラールーフ・タイル」と名付けた新型の「建材一体型太陽電池」を発表し、業界を騒がせた。その後、半年以上経った今年5月10日、同社は 「ソーラールーフ・タイル」の販売予約を開始した。


 昨年のマスク氏の発表では、 日本瓦に似たS型でオレンジ色のツーソン・タイル、斧で割った石片のようなスレート・タイル、斧で割った木片のような質感のテクスチャーガラス・タイル、そして、平らなスームズガラス・タイルの4種類が紹介された。








 カリフォルニア州に住む筆者自身の住所をインプットすると、ソーラールーフのシステムコスト(Cost of roof)が9万8400米ドルと表示された... Read More Here