According to the data released by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the cumulative reserved capacity for PV under the nation’s FIT program has decreased to 69 GW in September from 69.4 GW in August 2014. The number is expected to further go down to 68.9 GW in October.
This reduction reflects the problems related to interconnections with five out of ten electric utilities in Japan.
The pace of PV installation has been slowing down. During the month of September 2014, 0.6 GW was installed while in previous months 0.7 GW of PV capacity was installed.
As of September 2014, 13GW of PV capacity was installed under the FIT program.
Latest solar PV and other renewable energy market developments - policies, new products/services, business models, and market players - in the US and Japan
December 30, 2014
December 23, 2014
Published at Nikkei Electronics --- 赤いスポーツカーが、カリフォルニア州の青い空と青い海を背景に、高速道路をさっそうと走行する場面が映画にたびたび登場する(図1)。カリフォルニア州は、面積が広いにもかかわらず、米国の東海岸や日本のように、公共交通機関が発達していない。必然的に車への依存度が高くなり、5~6車線もある高速道路でも交通渋滞が頻発している。
「車社会」のカリフォルニア州では、CO2排出量の40%が、道路交通部門からのものである。自動車の排気ガスを大幅に削減するために、電気自動車(EV)への期待が高まっている。カリフォルニア州では2025年までに15億台のEVを導入するという、全米で最も高い目標を掲げている。Get Magazine Here See More Here
「車社会」のカリフォルニア州では、CO2排出量の40%が、道路交通部門からのものである。自動車の排気ガスを大幅に削減するために、電気自動車(EV)への期待が高まっている。カリフォルニア州では2025年までに15億台のEVを導入するという、全米で最も高い目標を掲げている。Get Magazine Here See More Here
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日経エレクトロニクス 2014年12月22日号 |
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The Plug-in Electric Vehicle (PEV) Owner Survey by California Air Resources Board (ARB) |
December 17, 2014
Published at Nikkei Technology --- 太陽光発電システムの建設コストの低下に伴い、発電コストも下がってきた。公的な研究機関の米Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratoryが2014年9月に発表したレポートによると、大規模太陽光発電システムからの長期電力購入契約単価が2008年から70%以上も下がり、平均で50米ドル/ MWh、つまり5米セント/kWhになったという。
調査会社の米GTM Research社も、米国における太陽光発電システムからの電力購入契約時の単価が、現時点で4.5~7.5米セント/kWhになっているとする。大規模太陽光発電システムの設置価格は、1.5米ドル/Wを下回るものもあるという。これは、連邦政府の税金控除の前の価格である。
こうした太陽光発電システムからの電力調達コストの低下によって、米国内の電力会社は太陽光発電システムからの電力の購入量を増やしている。再生可能エネルギーの導入を義務付ける「RPS:Renewable Energy Portfolio(再生可能エネルギー・ポートフォリオ基準)」に対応するため、という理由からではない。州によっては、天然ガスを燃料とする火力発電所を建設するよりも安い上に、天然ガスの価格変動に対するリスクを回避できるからである。Read More Here
調査会社の米GTM Research社も、米国における太陽光発電システムからの電力購入契約時の単価が、現時点で4.5~7.5米セント/kWhになっているとする。大規模太陽光発電システムの設置価格は、1.5米ドル/Wを下回るものもあるという。これは、連邦政府の税金控除の前の価格である。
こうした太陽光発電システムからの電力調達コストの低下によって、米国内の電力会社は太陽光発電システムからの電力の購入量を増やしている。再生可能エネルギーの導入を義務付ける「RPS:Renewable Energy Portfolio(再生可能エネルギー・ポートフォリオ基準)」に対応するため、という理由からではない。州によっては、天然ガスを燃料とする火力発電所を建設するよりも安い上に、天然ガスの価格変動に対するリスクを回避できるからである。Read More Here
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Credit: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
December 15, 2014
Data Analysis: Can Japan Exceed 10 Gigawatts of Solar Capacity Installation in 2014?
Published at Renewable Energy World --- Several analysts are predicting that Japan may add over 10 GW of photovoltaic (PV) capacity for 2014, exceeding that of China. Exceeding 10 GW means an annual growth of at least 33 percent more than the previous year. In the mist of the temporary hold of grid connection approvals placed by 5 out of the 10 utilities, can Japan still grow to be the No 1 position in the world?
According to the latest figures released by the Japan Photovoltaic Energy Association (JPEA), Japan installed 2.4 GW of on-grid PV capacity in the third quarter of this year (or second quarter fiscal year in Japan). This represents the second largest quarterly PV installation since the nation’s generous feed-in tariff (FIT) program launched in July 2012.
With the strong third quarter result, for the first nine months of this year, Japan installed about 7 GW of on-grid PV capacity. If Japan adds 3 GW more during this quarter, or an average 1 GW each month, Japan will no doubt hit the 10-GW mark. Read More Here
According to the latest figures released by the Japan Photovoltaic Energy Association (JPEA), Japan installed 2.4 GW of on-grid PV capacity in the third quarter of this year (or second quarter fiscal year in Japan). This represents the second largest quarterly PV installation since the nation’s generous feed-in tariff (FIT) program launched in July 2012.
With the strong third quarter result, for the first nine months of this year, Japan installed about 7 GW of on-grid PV capacity. If Japan adds 3 GW more during this quarter, or an average 1 GW each month, Japan will no doubt hit the 10-GW mark. Read More Here
December 4, 2014
EVだけじゃないTesla Motors社、新電池工場で生産の3割を定置型に
Published at Nikkei Business --- 電気自動車(EV)のスポーツカー「Roadster」でEV業界に旋風を巻き起こした米Tesla Motors社。その蓄電池は、自動車だけでなく、家庭や商業・工業向けでも活躍している。
Tesla Motors社は2014年9月、カリフォルニア州の隣のネバダ州に、「ギガファクトリー(Gigafactory)」と名付けた業界最大のLiイオン2次電池工場の建設を発表した。この電池工場では2020年までに、年間50 GWh相当の蓄電池の生産を開始する予定だ。
Tesla Motors社の広報担当者によると、Gigafactoryで製造する約30%の蓄電池が、自動車以外の家庭用、商業・工業用などの定置型蓄電池として使われるという。需要家側に設置する定置型蓄電池だけでなく、発電や送電といった供給側に設置する大規模貯蔵システムにも対応できるとする。Read More Here
Tesla Motors社は2014年9月、カリフォルニア州の隣のネバダ州に、「ギガファクトリー(Gigafactory)」と名付けた業界最大のLiイオン2次電池工場の建設を発表した。この電池工場では2020年までに、年間50 GWh相当の蓄電池の生産を開始する予定だ。
Tesla Motors社の広報担当者によると、Gigafactoryで製造する約30%の蓄電池が、自動車以外の家庭用、商業・工業用などの定置型蓄電池として使われるという。需要家側に設置する定置型蓄電池だけでなく、発電や送電といった供給側に設置する大規模貯蔵システムにも対応できるとする。Read More Here
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Tesla Roadster |
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Tesla Stationary Energy Storage 400kWh /200kW |
December 1, 2014
Making Emergency Power Available During Disasters — Without Batteries
Published at Renewable Energy World --- “Why can’t I use my solar system to generate electricity during a power outage?” This is a common question among residential solar owners, particularly those in Oregon who have recently experienced blackouts caused by the high winds that spread across Western Oregon. Homeowners often purchase photovoltaic (PV) systems to protect themselves from utility power loss.
This is a very common assumption made by grid-tie PV homeowners: PV systems will continue providing power during a power outage as long as the sun is shining.
However, commonly used grid-tie inverters safely disconnect from the utility grid if the grid goes down and won’t deliver power even though the sun is up and shining. This is, in part, a safety precaution required to protect utility workers repairing the wires and prevent fires.
Independent Operation Function: Power During Outages
In Japan, standard grid-tie inverters disconnect themselves from the grid, but can draw a small amount of power from the PV system even during daytime power outages. Production of emergency energy is enabled by a function of the inverter known as “independent-operation.”
According to a report published by the Japan Electrical Manufacturers' Association (JEMA), during the fiscal year 2013 (April 2013 through March 2014), over 630,000 inverters were sold for the residential PV market in Japan. This number is equivalent to about 3 GW in capacity. Out of 630,000, 99.9 percent of the residential PV inverters sold were equipped with an independent-operation function.
“We started selling PV inverters with the independent-operation function after the Kobe Earthquake,” said Ichiro Ikeda, marketing manager at Kyocera. The Kobe Earthquake knocked out power to over 2.5 million homes and businesses in the southern part of Hyogo Prefecture in January 1995 and it took about 150 hours before all the power lines were fully restored and recovered.
“[The earthquake] was a trigger to develop and market inverters with the independent-operation function,” continued Ikeda....Read More Here
This is a very common assumption made by grid-tie PV homeowners: PV systems will continue providing power during a power outage as long as the sun is shining.
However, commonly used grid-tie inverters safely disconnect from the utility grid if the grid goes down and won’t deliver power even though the sun is up and shining. This is, in part, a safety precaution required to protect utility workers repairing the wires and prevent fires.
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SMA Inverters with Independent Operation Function |
Independent Operation Function: Power During Outages
In Japan, standard grid-tie inverters disconnect themselves from the grid, but can draw a small amount of power from the PV system even during daytime power outages. Production of emergency energy is enabled by a function of the inverter known as “independent-operation.”
According to a report published by the Japan Electrical Manufacturers' Association (JEMA), during the fiscal year 2013 (April 2013 through March 2014), over 630,000 inverters were sold for the residential PV market in Japan. This number is equivalent to about 3 GW in capacity. Out of 630,000, 99.9 percent of the residential PV inverters sold were equipped with an independent-operation function.
“We started selling PV inverters with the independent-operation function after the Kobe Earthquake,” said Ichiro Ikeda, marketing manager at Kyocera. The Kobe Earthquake knocked out power to over 2.5 million homes and businesses in the southern part of Hyogo Prefecture in January 1995 and it took about 150 hours before all the power lines were fully restored and recovered.
“[The earthquake] was a trigger to develop and market inverters with the independent-operation function,” continued Ikeda....Read More Here
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