Published at Renewable Energy World --- Off the coast of Kagoshima island, a part of Goto City in Kagoshima prefecture, Japan’s first on-gird 2 MW floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) is about to complete its mission as a demonstration project.
Goto City is now planning to take the demonstration FOWT project to the next level by deploying over 500 MW worth of offshore wind power.
Goto City is located in the westernmost Kyushu region, which is the south-westernmost part of Japan’s main islands. The city consists of 11 inhabited islands and 52 uninhabited islands across the East China Sea, with a total population of about 40,000. The city is blessed with natural resources and has an oceanic climate, featuring warm summers and cool winters.
The city has developed an extensive renewable energy plan, with a mission of “Islands of Energy – Energizing the town by producing energy.” By maximizing its natural resources, it is planning to cover 132.4 percent of its total energy needs (oil, gas and electricity) with renewable energy by 2030.
“With the population decline and aging, we fear to become a disappearing community,” Kazuyuki Kitagawa, a spokesperson for the Goto City Renewable Energy Promotion Department, said.
“Exceeding our energy self-sufficiency level is not our ultimate goal. It is one of the solutions to stimulate our local economy by creating local employment and industry for years to come. We are aiming at locally producing and exporting renewable energy.”
In 2012, renewable energy provided 4.4 percent of the city’s total energy consumption, producing 97,189 gigajoules (Gj) per year, the equivalent of 27 GWh per year. Of 27 GWh, 88.5 percent was provided mostly by onshore wind power... Read More Here
Latest solar PV and other renewable energy market developments - policies, new products/services, business models, and market players - in the US and Japan
September 30, 2015
September 18, 2015
Published at Nikkei Technology --- 9月16日、米国カリフォルニア州アナハイム市で行われた北米最大の太陽光発電関連展示会「Solar Power International」で、ジョー・バイデン米副大統領が約4000人を前に演説を行った。
「オバマ大統領と私が政権についてから、太陽光発電は20倍に拡大し、さらに雇用は17万4000人から86%増え、今年の終わりには21万人の雇用と予想されています。太陽光発電システムの設置数は2009年の2万件から今年末には100万件に達すると言われています」。...Read More Here
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Vice President Joe Biden at Solar Power International 2015, Credit: Steven Purcell for SPI 2015 |
「オバマ大統領と私が政権についてから、太陽光発電は20倍に拡大し、さらに雇用は17万4000人から86%増え、今年の終わりには21万人の雇用と予想されています。太陽光発電システムの設置数は2009年の2万件から今年末には100万件に達すると言われています」。...Read More Here
September 16, 2015
Published at Nikkei Technology --- 全米太陽光発電協会(SEIA)と米GTM Research社の最新の太陽光発電市場レポート(U.S. Solar Market Insight Q2 2015)によると、米国の太陽光発電市場は2015年第2四半期時点で累計設置容量20MW超えた。これは、一般家庭約460万世帯分の年間使用電力量に相当する。
価格低下の他に、成長のドライバーとなるのは、「Investment Tax Credit(ITC)」と呼ばれる投資税控除制度だ。これは2006年から始まった連邦レベルの制度で、再生可能エネルギーの設備投資に適用される。太陽光発電システムの所有者またはプロジェクトデベロッパーは、システム設置にかかる投資額の30%を税額控除できる。同制度は2008年ブッシュ政権下で延長・拡大されたが、2016年末で住宅用については終了し、非住宅用は現在の30%から拡大前の10%に下がることになっている。...Read More Here
価格低下の他に、成長のドライバーとなるのは、「Investment Tax Credit(ITC)」と呼ばれる投資税控除制度だ。これは2006年から始まった連邦レベルの制度で、再生可能エネルギーの設備投資に適用される。太陽光発電システムの所有者またはプロジェクトデベロッパーは、システム設置にかかる投資額の30%を税額控除できる。同制度は2008年ブッシュ政権下で延長・拡大されたが、2016年末で住宅用については終了し、非住宅用は現在の30%から拡大前の10%に下がることになっている。...Read More Here
September 8, 2015
Japan Electricity Deregulation: Birth of Municipally Owned Electric Utilities
Published at Renewable Energy World --- The upcoming retail electricity deregulation in Japan next April will create a way for Japanese municipal governments to produce and supply locally generated renewable electricity. The Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011 was a harsh wake-up call that quickly became a strong source of motivation for many local governments to take energy matters into their own hands in order to provide safe and clean electricity to their own citizens.
Nakanojo, a town in Gunma prefecture, established the nation’s first locally owned utility with the motto of “Locally Produced, Locally Consumed Renewable Energy.” The town is geotropically located in the middle of Japan and is famous for flowers and hot springs surrounded by deep-green mountains.
“When a former mayor of Nakanojo visited the tsunami disaster areas in northeastern Japan, he decided to make his town nuclear-power-free, and upon his return, he created a new department to develop renewable energy plants,” Masao Yamamoto, Naknojo renewable energy department, said. Yamamoto was transferred from the wastewater division to head the newly created department.
Back then, everyone in the town had little choice but to purchase electricity from Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), which is the nation’s largest investor-owned electric utility (IOU) and is an owner of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station and 16 other nuclear reactors.
By utilizing the nation’s feed-in tariff (FIT) program, which was launched in July 2012, the town funded and developed two 2-MW solar photovoltaic (PV) systems with the FIT rate of ¥40/kWh per 20 years. The town also leased town-owned land to a private company in order to build a 1 MW PV project. By the end of 2013, a town with a population of only 18,000 had 3 large-scaled PV plants, producing 7,000 MWh of electricity annually.... Read More Here
Nakanojo, a town in Gunma prefecture, established the nation’s first locally owned utility with the motto of “Locally Produced, Locally Consumed Renewable Energy.” The town is geotropically located in the middle of Japan and is famous for flowers and hot springs surrounded by deep-green mountains.
“When a former mayor of Nakanojo visited the tsunami disaster areas in northeastern Japan, he decided to make his town nuclear-power-free, and upon his return, he created a new department to develop renewable energy plants,” Masao Yamamoto, Naknojo renewable energy department, said. Yamamoto was transferred from the wastewater division to head the newly created department.
Back then, everyone in the town had little choice but to purchase electricity from Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), which is the nation’s largest investor-owned electric utility (IOU) and is an owner of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station and 16 other nuclear reactors.
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2-MW PV System operated by Nakanojo town, Credit: Nakanojo town |
By utilizing the nation’s feed-in tariff (FIT) program, which was launched in July 2012, the town funded and developed two 2-MW solar photovoltaic (PV) systems with the FIT rate of ¥40/kWh per 20 years. The town also leased town-owned land to a private company in order to build a 1 MW PV project. By the end of 2013, a town with a population of only 18,000 had 3 large-scaled PV plants, producing 7,000 MWh of electricity annually.... Read More Here
Published at Nikkei Technology --- 米国の陸軍、海軍、空軍、海兵隊の4つの軍を配下に抱える米国防総省は、2025年までに太陽光発電を含め出力3GWもの再生可能エネルギーの導入計画を掲げている。同省は、エネルギーコストの削減に加え、海外からの輸入燃料への依存度を減らすことで、エネルギーの安全保障と持続可能性を高める、というミッションを担っている。
2014年度時点で同省は、1130以上の再生可能エネルギーに関するプロジェクトを進めている。地熱発電が発電量では全体の約50%を占める。さらに、2014年に陸軍が60MWのバイオマスをフォートドラム(Fort Drum)基地に導入したことにより、バイオマスの割合が21%までに高まった。次に太陽光発電が11%を占める。太陽光は、米国内の基地に645のシステムを設置し、発電している。
米国防総省の各組織は、軍事基地内に大規模・分散型発電所を建設する場合であっても、自らプロジェクトを所有せず、主にプロジェクトデベロッパーに開発・設置を委ね、長期間の電力購入契約(Power Purchase Agreement : PPA)を結ぶ。...Read More Here
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Navy signs US largest solar deals with Sempra, Credit: US Navy |
2015年5月に同省が発表したエネルギーマネジメントレポートによると、2014年度時点で、空軍は6.7%、陸軍11.3%、そして海軍は26.5%のエネルギー需要を再生可能エネルギーで賄っている。国防総省全体では12.3%になり、目標である25%の約半分まで達したことになる。2014年度時点で同省は、1130以上の再生可能エネルギーに関するプロジェクトを進めている。地熱発電が発電量では全体の約50%を占める。さらに、2014年に陸軍が60MWのバイオマスをフォートドラム(Fort Drum)基地に導入したことにより、バイオマスの割合が21%までに高まった。次に太陽光発電が11%を占める。太陽光は、米国内の基地に645のシステムを設置し、発電している。
米国防総省の各組織は、軍事基地内に大規模・分散型発電所を建設する場合であっても、自らプロジェクトを所有せず、主にプロジェクトデベロッパーに開発・設置を委ね、長期間の電力購入契約(Power Purchase Agreement : PPA)を結ぶ。...Read More Here
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