July 31, 2015

World Moves Toward 100 Percent Renewable Energy – First Electricity, Then Heating/Cooling, and Finally Transportation

Published at Renewable Energy World --- The exclusive use of energy from renewable resources in at least one sector has now become a feasible goal for 8 countries. Diane Moss, Founding Director of Renewables 100 Policy Institute, discussed this remarkable development at one of the conference sessions at Intersolar North America 2015.

Denmark, Scotland, and Aruba are among the nations with 100 percent renewable energy targets.  Besides the 8 nations, the Institute has so far mapped 55 cities, 60 regions and 9 utilities across the world that have officially established 100 percent RE goals, and Moss points out that there may be more and that those numbers are steadily increasing.

RE100 percent Around the World, Credit: Renewables 100 Policy Institute
Recent advancements in renewable technologies and rapid cost reductions have accelerated deployment of renewable energy, such as wind and solar photovoltaics (PV).  Renewables have started becoming a mainstream energy source in many parts of the world.

According to the Global Status Report published by REN21, a Paris-based nonprofit group, the growth of renewable energy outpaced that of fossil fuels in the electricity sector in 2014, with a record 135 gigawatts (GW) of capacity added from wind, solar, hydropower, and other natural sources.

Renewable energy developments have been driven largely by government policies, which include the RE targets of cities, states, regions, and countries. Some governments or communities are driven to deploy more renewables to reduce dependency on imported fossil fuels (energy security), tackle climate change (environment), and/or stimulate local jobs (economy)....Read More Here

July 13, 2015


Published at Nikkei Technology Online ---  テキサス州オースティン市が運営する電力会社米Austin Energy社は今年4月に連系出力600MW相当のメガソーラー(大規模太陽光発電所)の一般競争入札を行った。5月中旬の公募締め切りまでに、なんと募集の約13倍に相当する8000MW(8GW)近くの応募があったと発表した。さらに、応募された8000MWの内、1295MW分の太陽光発電コストは何と4米セント/kWhを切ったという。

 さらに、ネバダ州で民営電力会社の米NV Energy社から似たような発表があった。同社は100MWのメガソーラーからの電力を3.87米セント/kWhで購入するという契約をしたというものだ。このメガソーラーは米ファーストソーラーによって現在開発中の「Playa Solar 2」である。

 オースティン市はテキサスの首都であり、人口は100万人以上に達する。同市運営の電力会社は全米にある地方自治体が経営する電気事業者(POU:Publicly-Owned Utilities またはMuni:Municipally-Owned Utilitiesとも呼ばれる)の中でトップ8に位置する。同市は地球温暖化対策として、太陽光発電を含む再生可能エネルギーの普及に向けた取り組みを今までに積極的に推進してきた。太陽光発電導入でも全米公営電力会社の中で7位である。

 同市のエネルギーに対するミッションは「クリーン」、「安く」、そして「信頼性の高い」エネルギーを提供することである。同市の電力会社Austin Energy社は販売量では電力自由化が行われているテキサス州で8位、販売額では4位に位置する。平均電気料金単価も大手民間電力会社と比べると1~2米セント/kWh低くなっている。...Read More Here

July 11, 2015

Japan's Long-term Energy Plan Shoots for Ultimate Balance in Economics, Environment and Safety

Published at Renewable Energy World --- What is 3E + S? It is neither a mathematics problem nor chemical equation. It is Japan’s latest long-term energy plan, which was released by Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) on June 1stf for review. The draft plan aims to establish an optimum energy mix by the year 2030.

The three Es stand for the first letters in Energy Security, Economic Efficiency and Environment and the letter S stands for Safety. Safety is crucial to the energy plan in the wake of the world’s worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl when the devastating tsunami and earthquake hit northeast Japan in 2011. Since the disasters, Japan’s electricity generation mix has drastically changed.
The fear of nuclear power plants led to the shutting down of 54 of the nation’s nuclear reactors, which used to provide about 30 percent of the nation electricity. To make up for the loss of electricity supplied by nuclear means, Japan turned its heads toward coal and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). The nation’s sharp increase in fossil fuel demand caused the price of LNG, linked to crude oil import price, to soar.

The transition from nuclear to fossil fuels caused the nation’s energy self-sufficiency percentage to plummet to a mere 6 percent and Japan’s greenhouse gasses to hit an alarming record high in 2013. The increase cost of fossil fuel imports and the nationwide feed-in tariff (FIT) program has also increased electricity prices by 30 percent for industry users and 20 percent for residential consumers.
New Plan to Reverse the Effect of Fossil Fuels
The 3E + S plan aims to reverse the effects brought by the increased consumption of fossil fuels. Japan specifically wants to improve its self-sufficiency to 25 percent above the pre-disaster level. It also hopes to control and reduce electricity cost for the nation’s industry to gain back a competitive advantage while reducing greenhouse gas emissions to the same level as the Western nations.Read More Here

July 1, 2015


Published at Nikkei Technology ---  今年6月に連系出力579MW、太陽光パネルの設置容量747.3 MWのメガソーラー(大規模太陽光発電所)「Solar Star」がカリフォルニア州ロザモンドで運転を開始した(図1、図2)。世界最大規模である。年間発電量は最低でも1560GWhが見込まれ、なんと一般世帯約25万5000世帯の消費電力に相当する。


"Sun Star (579 MW-DC)" the World Largest PV 


 米Berkshire Hathaway Energy社の子会社BHE Solar社が、サンパワーからこのプロジェクトを買い取り、発電事業の主体となる。ちなみに、Berkshire Hathaway Energy社は著名投資家ウォーレン・バフェット氏率いる米投資会社、Berkshire Hathaway社傘下の電力事業会社である。

 発電した電力は20年の長期電力購入契約に基づいて地元の民営電力会社Southern California Edison(SCE)が買い取る。全購入電力はSCEがカリフォルニア州の「再生可能エネルギー・ポートフォリオ基準(RPS:renewable portfolio standard)」を満たすために使う。Read More Here