January 29, 2014

ソーラーでもクラウドファンディング、1年で560万米ドルを調達 (Solar Crowd-Funding)

Published at Nikkei Technology --- 米国の住宅用太陽光発電市場で最大のシェアを誇る米SolarCity社が、新たなサービスを展開しようと動き始めた。詳細はまだ明らかになっていないが、太陽光発電分野の「クラウドファンディング事業」の可能性がある。同社は、ユーザーの建物や敷地に太陽光発電システムを設置して電力を販売する「第三者所有(TPO:third party ownership)」モデルで市場を席巻した企業である。単なるシステム設置業者ではなく、プロジェクト開発や金融などの事業者としての顔を持っている。数々の企業買収などを通じて、事業規模を拡大してきた。... Read More Here
Solar Crowd Funding by Mosaic

January 14, 2014

A Turning Point for the Japanese PV Market

Published at Solar Novas Today --- In 2013 Japan not only exceeded the cumulative capacity of 10GW, but also jumped up to a top position in the world PV market, exceeding the US and Germany. The nationwide feed-in tariff (FIT) that was launched in July 2012 was the biggest driver for the market growth, rejuvenating the domestic PV market. However, many industry participants predict that the Japanese PV market will hit the ceiling in 2014.... Read More Here

70MW Kagoshima Nanatsujima Solar Power Plant by Kyocera

Is New York Rising to the Top Solar State, Modeling After California?

What do current New York Governor Cuomo and former California Governor Schwarzenegger have in common? Solar. Long-term solar initiative.

In his 2014 State of the State address, New York Governor Cuomo affirmed his commitment to solar energy by further expanding NY-Sun Initiative, which he first proposed in his 2013 State of the State address.  His goal is to achieve a 3-gegawatt of installed solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity by 2023. 

Under his vision, the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) recently filed a petition for new funding of $864 million for PV incentives from 2016 through 2023. By adding $108 million funding previously approved for 2014-2015, there will be $1.08 billion for 10 years.
3 GW in 10 years. Does it sound familiar? This vision was once created by former California Governor Schwarzenegger in 2004.

January 9, 2014

Bifacial PV Modules: Can They Move Beyond BIPV Applications?

Published at Renewable Energy World --- Bifacial PV modules have been in the market for some time, but with limited usage. The BIPV applications such as awnings and canopies have been a niche market for bifacial PV modules because of glass-on-glass, see-through, aesthetic looks. They have also been used, because of their vertical install-ability, as railings or sound barriers at highways and railways or other places where space for installing standard PV modules is limited. But, are bifacial PV modules ready for larger deployment in the growing PV industry?... Read More Here

Bifacial PV Modules by Tokyo Solar Building Materials (TSBM) 

January 7, 2014


Published at Nikkei Technology --- 米国では日本と同様に、太陽光発電システムの累積導入量が、2013年中に10GWを超えた。2013年末時点の累積導入量は12GWに達している。米GTM Research社による2013年12月時点の分析では、2013年の米国の年間導入量が、対前年比27%増の4.3GWになったという。
日本と大きく異なるのは、住宅向けが対前年比50%増と、大きく成長したことである。住宅向けの成長をけん引したのは、「第三者所有(TPO:third party ownership)」モデルの拡大によるものだ。カリフォルニア州やアリゾナ州、コロラド州などでは、TPOモデルが住宅向け販売総数の70%以上を占めるまでになった。一方で、TPOモデルが急増したことで、米国の太陽光発電システムのコスト構造が変化し始めている。今回はTPOモデルとコスト構造の変化について解説する。... Read More Here